
You have detected an error on RolandRadio? please report them in this thread.

Started by RolandRadio, 15:36, 17 March 20

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I have now fixed this issue

And show up a notification if unverified people try to rate on titles.
Now i have to write a small routine detecting all votes of non existent users to clean up mess :-)

Thank you for your investigation!
Welcome to RolandRadio.net We are playing the finest Amstrad CPC music 24 hours a day, seven days a week. AY around the clock. For your pleasure.


i would never thought that users will do this. Register, vote and get deleted due to no verification.
But: We have 1651 ratings in the database from deleted users.
Most of them rated between 2 and 4 to avoid beeing listed in the "Love /Hate"-Table.
I will delete them and run a daily routine to delete all of those ratings set by deleted users.
Thats so annoying.
Welcome to RolandRadio.net We are playing the finest Amstrad CPC music 24 hours a day, seven days a week. AY around the clock. For your pleasure.


I deleted the charts of this week and rendered the charts new on the new corrected rartings. So these charts  now are much more nice :-)

Welcome to RolandRadio.net We are playing the finest Amstrad CPC music 24 hours a day, seven days a week. AY around the clock. For your pleasure.


Quote from: RolandRadio on 10:12, 23 September 20
i would never thought that users will do this. Register, vote and get deleted due to no verification.
I think you are correct; no-one would deliberately create users to manipulate votes! Would they? ^_^

Seriously, though... when I created my account, I did not receive the validation email for quite a while. I also did not appreciate the importance of it as you could rate tracks without validating! I can only presume these people created their accounts in good faith, but also did not realise that not validating the email address would result in the account being deleted. And, I would also have to presume that they got annoyed when the account was deleted for (apparently) no reason!
All is fixed now, though! -yay-

Quote from: RolandRadio on 10:54, 23 September 20
I deleted the charts of this week and rendered the charts new on the new corrected rartings. So these charts  now are much more nice :-)
Yeah... I don't think many people would agree with you, there! Such a loser at #1 position! ^_^


Oh its a great adaption but maybe you can point out from which super mario game this is and which level, so i can add more informations to the remake fields

Edit: Already did it :D
Welcome to RolandRadio.net We are playing the finest Amstrad CPC music 24 hours a day, seven days a week. AY around the clock. For your pleasure.


Quote from: RolandRadio on 11:34, 23 September 20
Oh its a great adaption but maybe you can point out from which super mario game this is and which level, so i can add more informations to the remake fields
It is also used in-game for World 1 (Birabuto Kingdom).

This version is a remake of the Amiga .mod version by Reflex/Movement (but he's more famous for being in Rebels.) Infact, it's a remake of an olde remake I did in 2013! The older version had no drums, but after spending a few years developing some drum/bass instruments I thought I give this another go! You can find the original .dsk file on CPC-Power here!

EDIT: @Gryzor; I think there's an issue with linking to web addresses! That one above does not go to https://www.cpc-power.com/index.php?page=detail&num=15266 even though it shows the correct address in Preview mode when editing the post!


Hm no it doesn't, which is strange, let me investigate...


@RolandRadio; I am getting a weird error whenever I log-in! Did you change anything with the log-in code when you fixed the ratings issue? Error is "Argument 2 passed to Illuminate\Routing\Controller::middleware() must be of the type array, string given, called in /var/www/vhosts/rolandradio.net/rolandradio2020/app/Http/Controllers/HomeController.php on line 22" on moblie!

EDIT: If I refresh the page (ie go back to the Home Page) it had me logged-in!


fixed. tried to use a verified-auth-operator and this caused an werror (dont know why) but i dont need the verification anymore as i verificate the rating itself

Welcome to RolandRadio.net We are playing the finest Amstrad CPC music 24 hours a day, seven days a week. AY around the clock. For your pleasure.


Hey fella,
Are you aware that RR is repeating tracks (usually well within an hour) and then deleting the previous entry from the "Playlist" on the website? Is this normal? I thought a track could only be played once a day!

As an example; Ultrasyd's Troopers track is playing at the moment (2020-10-23 11:22:52), but the entry for the previous play (2020-10-23 10:39:49) has been removed from the playlist! I can post some screenshots to show you if it helps!

I noticed it was really bad on Wednesday with the same 30 or so tracks playing all day! It seems to have calmed down, but still repeating some tracks!

EDIT: Third play of Troopers - (2020-10-23 13:00:14)


Yep, I also noticed (and reported) this. There are many songs that are played way too regularly, as well as playlist looping. There are songs I recorded I simply never heard even though I listen to the radio very often.
Maybe create one playlist for the whole duration of the whole recorded music? (like, one playlist created every 5 days or so?)

Arkos Tracker 3.2.4 beta now released! - Follow the news on Twitter!
Disark - A cross-platform Z80 disassembler/source converter
FDC Tool 1.1 - Read Amsdos files without the system

Imperial Mahjong
Orion Prime


The "underrated" Shows seem to be the problem here. I have to rework that concept totally but wait for my new PC-System to set everything up and work then on those things.
Underrated Title Shows are generated by the Web-Server and transferred than as a playlist to the Playout-Machine. This Machine does not know what the list may contain and plays it as it was delivered. But after or before those shows the Playout-Machine selects titles by its own rules. I need to rearrange those things and reduce the "underrated" songs to one show a day instead of 4
Welcome to RolandRadio.net We are playing the finest Amstrad CPC music 24 hours a day, seven days a week. AY around the clock. For your pleasure.


Ok, but the "Underrated Show" playlist surely should not affect the "Pure Roland" playlist!
The example I gave, Ultrasyd's Troopers, was played three times during three "Pure Roland" shows within a three-hour window on the same day. Also, the playlist deleted the 10:39 entry when the 11:22 track was playing.

I guess we should wait until the next "maintenance outage" to see what occurs when the radio station comes back online.


Has the "I have found an error" feature been removed? I've got some free-time, so I thought I'd correct all the wrong info on certain tunes of mine (that were not uploaded by me) and I cannot find the link to initiate the email! I can do it manually, but it's a little long-winded and there are a LOT of errors to correct!


Click on the music, and in the page of the music, is a list at the bottom, with a "report" on every line.

You mentioned two music that I recorded from you but were too short. I'd like to record them again to repair the mistake. Do you remember what they were and where I can get them on CPC Power? Else it will take me years to find them in Megachur's collection.

Arkos Tracker 3.2.4 beta now released! - Follow the news on Twitter!
Disark - A cross-platform Z80 disassembler/source converter
FDC Tool 1.1 - Read Amsdos files without the system

Imperial Mahjong
Orion Prime


Hi @RolandRadio !!!

I have not heard anything for several days, I have tried several browsers, from here https://rolandradio.net/miniplayer
and from here: http://streaming.rolandradio.net/rolandradio , always " RolandRadio Maintenance Mode Rap "
your amstrad news source in spanish language : https://auamstrad.es


I emailed the address provided through Google play for the android app and got a reply last week. Apparently it's a server issue and they are aware.


Quote from: XeNoMoRPH on 09:43, 09 June 21
Hi @RolandRadio !!!

I have not heard anything for several days, I have tried several browsers, from here https://rolandradio.net/miniplayer
and from here: http://streaming.rolandradio.net/rolandradio , always " RolandRadio Maintenance Mode Rap "

I am sorry, but I am very ill since end of December 2020 and was three times in hospital for a total of 10 weeks :-9 So I don't had the time to do work on rolandradio. now I am out of the hospital but have a lot of pain due to an operation and this will take a few month until cure, if I make it to survive once more. So I am searching for someone or a team which is willing to continue rolandradio in my will. but til now I didn't find anyone to keep this project fresh and alive.

Welcome to RolandRadio.net We are playing the finest Amstrad CPC music 24 hours a day, seven days a week. AY around the clock. For your pleasure.


Quote from: robbarton on 10:37, 09 June 21
I emailed the address provided through Google play for the android app and got a reply last week. Apparently it's a server issue and they are aware.

i fixed the issues with the server two days ago.. it stood still sind April 2021 :-) but now It is running again. as soon as I am able to work more than 20 minutes a day, I will try to reprogram a few things to make it more stable and running without a living human :D

Welcome to RolandRadio.net We are playing the finest Amstrad CPC music 24 hours a day, seven days a week. AY around the clock. For your pleasure.


Quote from: RolandRadio on 14:45, 20 June 21i fixed the issues with the server two days ago.. it stood still sind April 2021 :-) but now It is running again. as soon as I am able to work more than 20 minutes a day, I will try to reprogram a few things to make it more stable and running without a living huma

I'm sorry, I didn't know, I want you to recover, health is the first thing.
your amstrad news source in spanish language : https://auamstrad.es


Number one priority is your health - Roland Radio is important but not more than that. We all appreciate your efforts and completely understand your priority.

Hope you get better soon, I hear praying to a photo of Sir Alan Sugar every day is good for you  ;D


Is roland radio working ? I am new to it, but cannot open the main page ... throwing me errors:

Trying to get property 'nickname' of non-object (View: /var/www/vhosts/rolandradio.net/rolandradio2020/resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php) (View: /var/www/vhosts/rolandradio.net/rolandradio2020/resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php)[/font][/size][/color]
Also giving me a lot of debug information on all the php classes etc.
Proud owner of 2 Schneider CPC 464, 1 Schneider CPC 6128, GT65 and lots of books
Still learning all the details on how things work.



Ditto :(

Actually https://rolandradio.net/miniplayer IS working ( win 10 and Edge)


Not able to listen in VLC any more. :(

main error: connection failed: No route to host
http error: cannot connect to streaming.rolandradio.net:8000
access error: HTTP connection failure
- Barry Rodewald

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