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CPC6128 power supplies - must both 12v and 5v be connected?

Started by ibisum, 21:07, 07 May 18

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Yes, but after swapping the RAM and having known good CPU, GA and CRTC:
If you still have a completely black screen (no border) then swap the 74LS153s (RAM Multiplexers), the 74LS244 and the 74LS373 (RAM i/o buffers).
If the GA isn't reacting (not outputing a clock signal to the CPU) swap 74LS132 (IC110 - Reset, GA enable and printer port circuits)

If it boots to a blue screen but doesn't get to the ready signal swap the ROMs.

74LS145 - Only swap if the AY is new and the keyboard still doesn't work.

74LS273 - Only swap if the printer port isn't working.



Hehe .. I'm kind of getting the feeling I should a) ship this unit to Bryce to fix, and b) go look for another deal on a CPC6128 that I won't blow up this time.  :P


Send it over if you like.


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Nope, gonna wait for the RAM, do that, then see what else happens.  I remain committed to the cause; when it finally boots, this machine is gonna get a lot of love.


Quote from: ibisum on 18:00, 14 May 18
I've since found a source for RAM chips and have ordered them
I have a feeling I'm going to be needing some RAM chips soon as well. Where did you find them?


Quote from: llopis on 16:44, 15 June 18
I have a feeling I'm going to be needing some RAM chips soon as well. Where did you find them?

EBay, and .. it turned out to be not so great .. I need more chips too. 


What happened on the eBay?

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I didn't get enough chips, and some of the ones I did get were bad.

Anyway, I ended up just getting another CPC6128 for my needs for now, as well as a PCB that I could use to harvest parts, hopefully, to recover the other one some day.  I'll just get my CPC6128-related project started with the newer machine, in the meantime, though ..


Did you just try changing the memory?

Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk


No .. I used a friends RAM-tester (set up for another project), found that the set that I ordered had a few duds, and decided to just get another CPC6128.  I'll definitely have this set of parts available for next time .. and I do intend to repair the original which I (more than likely) borked myself, but for now I'm moving on and putting the Amstrad to use as intended, with an M4 board which should hopefully arrive this week.

Thanks to MaV and Bryce, and the rest of the gang too, for all the support - you should rest happy knowing that there's another Amstrad fan out here with at least enough parts (probably) to build another CPC6128 one day in the future. ;)


Oh man, so you ask for the borked 6128?   Keep it for a meet and repair session

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I borked one CPC6128, I believe, myself.  Then I got parts intending to fix it.  Then I ran into problems getting all the parts I would need to do a replacement.  Then my M4 board showed up.  I decided to get another CPC anyway, so I did.

I will get the original project done - CPC with M4 board, doing stuff at a local hackrrspace.

And then, some day in the near future, I will return to the borked CPC and fix it.

While it is a shame and a pity that I borked a CPC, I did gain a lot of experience and most importantly, made contact with MaV here in Vienna, and it looks like we'll be pushing things forward as Amstrad users in our next RetroSession @ Metalab soon.

So its not all bad news. :)

Anyway, I will definitely put the borked CPC on the workbench some time this year and get back with a progress report .. its just that I have the M4+Amstrad, plus the TwilighteBoard+Oric, to get set up and put into use in demonstrating effective modernisation of our retro- collection ..



Bryce - its a modern board made for the Oric-1/Atmos machines, which gives us amazing capabilities, akin to what has been provided for the Amstrad community by the M4 board... details here:

At the RetroSessions/Metalab here in Vienna, I'm pursuing the goal of regular demonstrations of older, archaic technology, being given new life through modern accessories such as the M4 board and Twilighte and others (Cumulus, etc.). We have a lot of IoT and ESP8266/ESP32-style hacking projects going on at Metalab, and the goal is to use the older 8-bit machines as an interface to some of these kinds of projects.


Just as a followup and completion for this thread - I ended up just getting another CPC6128 for my needs, and will be working on recovering the one I borked over the next few months.. its not a priority given that I have another setup working, and can continue my Retro explorations with it ..

Thanks for all the help guys - this thread has been very useful.

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