Tug-of-War 95 960 PEN 2:LOCATE 12,1:PRINT"TUG OF-- ---WAR":PEN 1 970 LOCATE 8,2:PEN 3:PRINT"BY P A U L STANLEY":PEN 1 980 LOCATE 1,4:PRINT"A simple game for t wo players who have to win at Tug-Of-Wa r,not by strength,butby reactions." 990 PEN 3:PRINT:PRINT"A UFO will fly a cross the top of the screen and a targe t will appear at the bottom.":PEN 1000 PEN 3:PRINT:PRINT"PLAYER one can pa rachute out on to the target by pressin g key [A] and PLAYER two with CL1":PEN 1 1010 PEN 2:PRINT:PRINT"If the parachutis t lands on the target you will pull the other team.If any men fall down the can yon that team will findit harder to win. ":PEN 1 1020 LOCATE 9,24:PRINT CHR$(24);"PRESS A NY KEY TO START";CHR$(24); 1030 IF INKEYS<>"" THEN 1030 1040 IF INKEYS=""THEN 1040 ELSE CLS 1050 RETURN 1060 STOP 1070 RESTORE 1080:FOR X= 360 TO 366:READ A:POKE X,A:NEXT:RESTORE:RETURN' 1080 DATA 205,96,197,50,111,1,201 1090 FOR X=231 TO 250:PRINT CHRS(X);" "; :NEXT