Sheepdog Trials There's no getting away from it, sheep are dumb. The pen in the middle of the screen is large enough for them all to be housed in comfort, but the wretched creatures are demonstrating an unpalatable degree of reticence. Your trusty collie, Jim, is doing the best he can, but he requires a firm handling from you and your cursor control keys. As in life, time is running out, and this unusually difficult game will defeat you unless you manage to get all the sheep into the pen before the last second ticks away. 10 REM SHEEPDOG TRIALS 20 REM @ ROBERT ERSKINE 30 MODE 1:BORDER 0:INK 0,0:INK 1,24:INK 2,20:INK 3,6:WINDOW #1,1,40,1,25:PAPER # 1,0:PEN #1,1:CLS #1 40 GOSUB 1010 50 GOSUB 880 60 GOSUB 800 70 WINDOW #0,5,36,1,25:PAPER #0,0:PEN #0 ,1:CLS #0 80 PEN 2:LOCATE 1,11:PRINT CHR$(18)-:LOC ATE 1,11:INPUT "HOW MANY PLAYERS"0 90 IF A<1 OR A>10 THEN 80 ELSE A=INT(A) 100 PEN 1 110 DIM P(A),S(4,2):DX=15:DY=15:CLS 120 T=0 130 D0=1:RR=1:DrM R(2):R(1)=-1:R(2)=1 140 GOTO 220 150 CLS:PEN 2:FOR X=0 TO 21:LOCATE 1,X+1 :PRINT CHR$(236);:LOCATE 32,X+1:PRINT CH R$(235);:NEXT X 160 FOR X=6 TO 9:LOCATE 11,X+1:PRINT CHR $(236);:LOCATE 21,X+1:PRINT CHR$(235);:N EXT X 170 FOR X=11 TO 19:LOCATE X+1,6:PRINT CH R$(237);:LOCATE X+1,11:PRINT "_";:NEXT 180 LOCATE 16,11:PRINT " ";