Tug-of-War Tug-of-War is a two player game consisting of a canyon with a rope stretched across the top, held by a team of three figures on either side. A small UFO flies overhead and each player takes turns in dropping a parachute from it, attempting to land on a target which appears lower down the screen in a random position. Every time a parachutist hits the target, the opposing team is pulled further towards the edge of the canyon and if a man topples over the precipice, the team is weakened. The winner is the player who succeeds in pulling all the opposing team over the edge of the canyon. 10 REM TUG-OF-WAR 20 REM @ PAUL STANLEY 30 MODE 1:BORDER 0:INK 0,0:INK 1,24:INK 2,20:INK 3,6:WINDOW #1,1,40,1,25:PAPER # 1,0:PEN #1,1:CLS #1 40 DIM A$(2),B$(2) 50 GOSUB 960 60 GOSUB 1070 70 GOSUB 800 80 WINDOW #0,5,36,1,22:PAPER #0,0:PEN #0 ,1:CLS #0 90 GOSUB 680 100 LOCATE T+1,15:PRINT " ";:T=INT(RND*2 8)+2:LOCATE T+1,15:PEN 2:PRINT CHR$(131) ;:PEN 1 110 FOR F=0 TO 30:LOCATE F+1,1:PEN 2:PRI NT " H; CHR$(239);:PEN 1 120 FOR X=1 TO 50:NEXT 130 00$=INKEY$:IF 00$="A" OR 00$="a" THE N GOTO 160 140 SOUND 1,(F+100),3 150 NEXT:GOTO 350 160 FOR G=0 TO 14 170 LOCATE F+2,G+1:PEN 3:PRINT CHR$(240) :PEN 1:FOR XX=-3 TO 1:SOUND 2,(200+XX), 3: NEXT 180 SOUND 1,290,2