Exocet It's time to play the Falklands all over again. A group of enemy ships randomly make their way across the horizon, and it's up to you to sink as many of them as possible by firing missiles. A mobile sight is printed slightly below the line of the horizon. There are three sizes of enemy ships and the smaller the target the more points you score for a hit. Occasionally the enemy's electronic defence system will succeed in confusing your missile and deflecting it from its course. 10 REM EXOCET 20 REM @ ROBERT ERSKINE. 30 MODE 1:BORDER 0:INK 0,0:INK 1,6:INK 2 ,20:INK 3,1:WINDOW #1,1,40,1,25:PAPER #0 ,0:PEN #0,1:CLS #1 40 DIM G$(10),S$(10) 50 GOSUB 840 60 GOSUB 580 70 WINDOW #0,5,36,1,25:PAPER #0,3:PEN #0 ,1:CLS #0 80 GOSUB 360 90 GOSUB 430 100 HS=0 110 FOR P=1 TO 10 120 FOR X=1 TO (LEN(S$W))-32) 130 PEN 2:LOCATE 1,11:PRINT CHR$(24);MID $(5$(P),X,32);CHR$(24);:PEN 1: 140 LOCATE COL+1,LIN+1:PRINT" "; 150 IF INKEY(8)=0 AND FLAG=0 AND COL>0 T HEN COL=COL-1:T=T-8 160 IF INKEY(1)=0 AND FLAG=0 AND COL<26 THEN COL=COL+1:T=T+8 170 LOCATE COL+1,LIN+1:PRINT"+"; 180 IF FLAG=1 THEN 220 190 IF INKEY(47)<>0 THEN 310 200 L=0:D=1:FLAG=1:Y=127 210 EX=EX-1 220 PLOT Y*2+64,L*2+48,1:PLOT Y*2+63,L*2 +48,1:PLOT Y*2+65,L*2+48,1 230 LL=L:NIY=Y