CWTA Issue 20 - August 1986 - Type-Ins
From CPCWiki - THE Amstrad CPC encyclopedia!
The following listings were published in the August 1986 issue of Computing_with_the_Amstrad:
- Backgammon (Paul Goodings)
- Variable Find (Ian Sharpe)
- Screen Dump (Roland A Waddilove)
- Pull Down Menu (Lawrence Rowe) 6128/128K ONLY
- Double Height Characters (Kevin Young)
- Run PULLMRSX first before running PULLDEMO
- Run BIGCHARS first before running BIGDEMO
- 3D Munchies (Roland A Waddilove) was included on the tape/disc that readers could send away for, and is included on the dsk file
- Backgammon was modified a number of times in subsequent postbag submissions (December 1986 A J Riches added dice; February 1987 Roy Paterson improved CPC decision making; May 1987 J D Crabtree added points and amended colours to teal/grey). These improved versions are supplied on dsk images below.
- Issue 20 disk DSK file
- Modified Backgammon - Dice DSK file
- Modified Backgammon - Points/Board (128K version) DSK file