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5 bytes added, 11:55, 27 October 2018
/* Technical */
* With the command engine, tested on PSET currently (but to be confirmed for other commands):
1) P1 mode is always 256 pixels wide, 4bpp (width (XIMM) and bpp (CLRM) settings with R6 are ignored). Therefore logical vram address of Y is defined as: (256/2)*y. 2) P2 mode is always 512 pixels wide, 4bpp (width (XIMM) and bpp (CLRM) settings with R6 are ignored). Therefore logical vram address of Y is defined as: (512/2)*y 3) In bitmap mode width (XIMM) and bpp (CLRM) settings are used. HSCN and C25M are ignored. Therefore logical vram address of Y is defined as: XIMM/4 when 2bpp, XIMM/2 when 4bpp, XIMM when 8bpp and XIMM*2 when 16bpp. 4) For the command-engine, standby mode is identical in operation to the bitmap mode.