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109 bytes removed, 15:48, 21 August 2010
The '''FO-DOS Cartridge''' is a BIOS/BASIC 1.1 ROM upgrade for the CPC 464 from [[Duchet Computers]]. The cartridge contains a 32K BIOS/BASIC EPROM, two diodes, a LED, and a switch (for switching between old/new ROM).
Combining the FO-DOS cartridge with an additional [[Standard Memory Expansions|Standard Memory Expansion]] expansion and an external [[Amstrad Disk Drive|DDI-1]] disc drive would upgrade a CPC464 not to a CPC6128 since some banking logic is still missing. For example the RAM configuration &C1 and &C3 are not working.
Exact EPROM content is unknown. It might be an original or modified, english or french CPC6128 BIOS ROM...? (being made in 1989 it probably has the newer french rom). From cpcrulez forum: Boot messages says "...v3 (1985)... basic 1.1"