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66 bytes added, 23:05, 5 February 2012
/* thumb|rightCBM */
== [[Image:CBM.png|thumb|right]]CBM ==
The "command bar menu'''C'''ommand '''B'''ar '''M'''enu" ([[CBM|CBM]]) is a non partially resident part of FutureOS, which can be easily linked into applications. It's object oriented ('''OO''') user interface consists of several flexible windows, pull down menus and file selectors. Using [[CBM|CBM]] as the standard (G/T)UI for FutureOS programs helps making them looking similar and useable in an intuitive way. A part of the CBM is located in the FutureOS ROMs, another part can be individually adapted to its target applications and will be integrated in the application itself.
[[Image:HERO-HED.JPG|thumb|192px|Example of FutureOS file header]]
== File system ==