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Arnold V Specs Revised

192 bytes added, 15:38, 9 January 2016
/* Hardware Sprites */
All sprite characteristics are independent of the main screen mode, the unmagnified pixel size being as for screen mode 2 (640x200). Sprite colours are defined by 15 entries in the colour palette (see section 2.2 below). Thus sprites can be in different colours and resolutions from the rest of the screen. Sprites may overlay with each other or the border, and are prioritized so that the border has the highest priority, followed by sprites 0 to 15 in sequence, then the main screen data. Thus sprites always appear "in front of" the main screen and behind "the border".
When writing offsets +3,+4,+5 and +7 can set the sprite magnification. +4 to +7 are mirrors.
When reading +3 and +4 show X position, +5 and +7 show Y position. They are mirrors of X,Y values.
===Colour palette===