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74 bytes added, 17 April
/* Other */
== Other ==
*[ The Eternal Light] [ Paulina's Potions18813 Druid & Droid] [ Druid & Droid19341 Paulina's Potions] [ Claudia BMP Converter] [ Snoozing] Softwares that only run fine on flawed emulators but are broken on real machines*[ Octoplex (crtc1)] [ Dynamic Duo (crtc1)] [ 007 The Living Daylights (crtc1)] [ Druid II (crtc1)] [ Madness (crtc0)] [ FMR (crtc1)] [ Not Dead (crtc2)] Some known CRTC problems on real hardware
*[ The Untouchables] [ Batman The Movie] [ Turrican] [ Technical explanation] CPC keyboard clash
*[ Raytracing in BASIC] [ Julia Fractal] [ 5KB 3 (Cray II emulator part)] [ Chain] To benchmark emulators using their fullspeed mode
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