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331 bytes added, 15 April
[ There is a poll on CPCWiki forum]
= Software Platforms (Full OS independance) =
| Donationware & Open source
= Current Operating Systems =
| Open source
= Discontinued Operating Systems =
| Freeware
= Home Consoles =
| Open source
= Handheld Consoles =
| Open source
= Single-Board Computers / Raspberry Pi =
| Donationware & Open source
= FPGA =
*[ CPC2 Project] CPC emulation running on a Cyclone V FPGA board
*[ AmstradCPC core] Based on McLeod's core and running on a ZXTres FPGA board
= Hardware and Parts =
*[[C4CPC]] Cartridge replacement for the Amstrad Plus range and the GX4000
*[ Flash+ cartridge] Amstrad CPC+ GX4000 reflashable cartridge
= Mass storage devices =
*[[M4 Board]] is emulated by CPCemu
*[[Vortex Winchester Drive]], [[ULIfAC|USIfAC / ULIfAC]] and [[Symbiface 3|Symbiface3 / RSF3]] are not supported by emulators
= Audio devices =
*[[Willy|Willy MIDI]] is emulated by ACE (software synth emulation on Haiku, full MIDI support on MorphOS)
*[[Music Machine]], [ Speak&SID], [ LambdaSpeak], [ Amsdap (SE-One, Moonsound, etc...)] are not supported by emulators
= Printers =
Support for CPC printers is abysmal in all emulators.
The only emulators that at least do some print rendering emulation are JavaCPC and Caprice Forever.
= Rewind feature =
For debugging, going back to the previous instruction is easily implemented. The emulator has to store the time when the previous instruction was executed so that he can go back to that instruction. In the same way, emulators can provide access to the previous HBL, IRQ, VBL, etc.
= Emulator accuracy checking tools =
*[ 6128 Plus DMA] [ Fairy] [ Soundtracker DMA] To test DMA sound
*[ Delirium Tremens] [ Delirium Tremens running on real hardware] [ Bulles] [ Funerapolis] [ X-mas 2008] [ USS Cygnus 192] To test hardware sprites
*[ Arnoldemu] [ T&J] [ Sylvestre] [ Longshot] [] [ Offset] [] [[Plus Vectored Interrupt Bug]] Plus hardware bugs documented
*[ Plus Games] [ Plus Demos] Search filters to verify the entire Plus software library
== Colorimetry ==
*[ Raster] [ Toutes les couleurs du CPC] [ Couleurs] [ Les split-rasters] [ Mir'Color] [ Colour Tester] [ Test Interlace Color] [ Infinite Colours] [ Mode 1 Tramage et Choix des Couleurs] Colour calibration
*[ Minor difference in colorimetry between CPC and Plus] On CPC (not Plus!), green half-intensity is significantly higher than red and blue half-intensities
*Major difference in colorimetry between the real Amstrad CTM display and emulators display:
*[ The Untouchables] [ Batman The Movie] [ Turrican] [ Technical explanation] CPC keyboard clash
*[ Raytracing in BASIC] [ Julia Fractal] [ 5KB 3 (Cray II emulator part)] [ Chain] To benchmark emulators using their fullspeed mode
= File format specifications =
*[ YM] [ AYC] [ VGM] Soundchip logging file formats
*[ CSL] Cpc Scripting Language, a macro/scripting system to automate emulators
= Emulation Tools =
*[ CPCDiskXP] [ DiskUtil] [ SugarConvDsk] [ DSK] [ iDSK] [[Dsktools|Dsktools]] [[ManageDSK|ManageDSK]] [[WriteDSK|WriteDSK]] [ SAMdisk] [ Disk Image Manager] [ sector-cpc] [ HxCFloppyEmulator software] [ Disk Utilities] [ dsk-lua] [ upd765pro] [ Amstrad DSK Explorer] Set of tools about disk-images*[ CPCTapeXP] [ TapeUtil] [ SugarConvTape] [ CDTMaster] [ 2CDT] [ CSW2CDT] [ CDT2WAV] [ tzxtoolswav2tzx wav2tzx] Set of tools about tape-images
*[ CPRTools] [ UniDOS Cartridge Creator] Edit Amstrad Plus CPR cartridge-images
*[ WinImage, DiskExplorer, Mtools] [ Ultimate Imager] [ CP/M Image File Explorer] Access and edit hard-drive images
*[ CPC Analyser] [ ImHex] Other tools
*[[Emulator tooling]] UI screenshots of tooling in CPC emulators
*[ vgm-conv] [ YMcruncher] [ wav2ay] Music converters
*[ CHIPNSFX] [ Vortex Tracker II] [ WYZTracker] [ Arkos Tracker 2] [ Furnace] [ Bintracker] Cross-platform CPC music creation suites
= Emulator Detection =
There is also this initiative for emulators who willingly want to be detected: [[Emulator_IDs|Emulator IDs]]
= Emulators running on the Amstrad CPC =