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| SparkMay the Force| Apr 19May 3, 2024
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*[ Just CPC4ATX] CPC clone made from NOS chips
*[ CPC464-2mini] A mini CPC464
*[ CPC 464/6128 replica PCBs] To be used as a direct replacement to the original PCBs
*[ ESP32 TinyCPC] Port from CPC-em emulator to TTGO VGA32 v1.x board with ESP32
== Colorimetry ==
*[ Raster] [ Toutes les couleurs du CPC] [ Couleurs] [ Les split-rasters] [ Mir'Color] [ Colour Tester] [ Test Interlace Color] [ Infinite Colours] [ Mode 1 Tramage et Choix des Couleurs] [ FED] Colour calibration
*[ Minor difference in colorimetry between CPC and Plus] On CPC (not Plus!), green half-intensity is significantly higher than red and blue half-intensities
*Major difference in colorimetry between the real Amstrad CTM display and emulators display:
*[ Equalizor] [ Revolog] [ Technical explanation] Unpredictable behaviour of the real CRTC type 1 chip. We can classify these behaviours as CRTC types 1a and 1b
*[ HSYNC test] [ CRTC Programmierung] [ Côté Gamers] [ Screen Effect] [ Out-Screen II] [ CRTC editor] [ CRTC software] CRTC testing tools
*[ Pixel 1 Horizontal Hard Scroll for all CRTCs] [ Vertical Hard Scroll 100%] [[File:Lister-of-smeg vertscroll4.dsk]] [ Smooth CRTC Register 3 scrolling test] [ Skate Wars] [ Jinks] [ Out of this World] [ Killer Cobra] [ Edge Grinder] [ Relentless] [ Corsair Trainer] [ Warhawk] [ Mission Genocide] [ Axys] [ Red Sunset] [ Ghosts'n Goblins] [ Legend of Kage] [ Profanation] [ Super Cauldron] Smooth CRTC R3/R5 hardware scrolling
*[ BSC 91] [ Voyage 1993] [ OVL '96] [ Byte 98] [ Divine] [ Paradise] [ Power System] [ Prodatron] [ Longshot] [ Amazing] [ KKB First] [ Hage's First] [ Chany Dream End] [ Welcom-X 2] [ S&Koh] [ Other World 3] [ Overflow Previews] [ Big'O Full'O Dem'O] [ Sea You Soon] [ Plasma] [ Wobbler] [ Mad Rast] [ Odyssey] Early CRTC demos, so they were developed without CPC emulator bias
*[ Ze Meeting 2003] [ DemoIzArt] [ Not Dead] [ Croco Chanel] [ Tire Au Flan] [ Arôme Tomate] [ DTC] [ Synergy 2] CRTC demos from 2000s
*[ OSC #0] [ OSC #1] [ Still Rising] [ Still the Bests] [ Still Scrolling] [ River Scroll] [ Scroll Factory] [ Battro] [ PhX] [ Bloc Us] [ Wake Up] [ Wunderbar] [ Cookie] [ Yet Another Plasma] [ Isometrikum] [ Logon's Run] [ Points Barres] [ Octopus Pocus] [ Sugarlumps] CRTC demos from 2010s
*[ OSC #2] [ OSC #3] [ Stand Up] [ The One] [ Swingin'] [ Mike's Scrollers] [ Foursome] [ Checkmate] [ Debris] [ Ghost Nop] Latest CRTC demos
*[ Les Mondes Parallèles] [ Paranoia] [ Molecularr 2] [ Megablasters] [ Quadraster] [ Inferno] [ Groops] [ Sudoku Master] [ Overkoban] [ Prince Dastan Sokoban Within] [ Deva Drifter] [ Hexavirus v0] [ A tribute to the sisters] True overscan games
*[ Alcon 2020] [ Hyperdrive] [ Puzzle Bobble] [ Revenge of Trasmoz] [ Crazy Piri Chronicle] [[Converted GX4000 Software]] [ SymbOS] [ UniDOS] To test CPC cartridge slot expansion
*[ Multiface Protector] [ Anti-Multiface II software list] [ RX 220] [ War in Middle Earth] [ Zap't'Balls advanced] [ The Insider] [ MF2RR] [ Technical documentation] [] To test [[Multiface II]] emulation
*[ Mirage Imager] [ HackIt] [ Demon] [ Dart Scanner] [ Vidi Digitizer] [ Digitaliseur Ara] [ LensLok] [ Dandanator] [ PlayCity] [ MultiPlay] [[KDS 8-Bit Printer Port]] Exotic pieces of hardware
== Copy-protection ==
*[ FDC test suite] [ Disk drive tests] [ CDT/TZX test suite] Set of tests by arnoldemu
*[ Azimut Locator] [ Tape Speed Checker] [ Motor Control] [ Catalogueur de Cassettes] [ Ultra Son] [ Soft-Lok] [ Bonzo Super Meddler] [ SpeedTrans] [ Transformateur] [ Deconnect] [ NoAMSDOS software list] [ Computer Hits] [ Marmelade] [ Mickey Mouse] [ Split Personalities] [ Frank Bruno's Boxing] [ Baudload software list] [ Keytone software list] [ Tape Counter software list] [ Loading Screens slideshow] To test Tape emulation
*[ Musical Loader] [ FatMag 2] [ 5KB 3] [ Backtro] [ Unique] [ The Demo] [ Fres Fighter II Turbo] [ CPC 30th Anniversary] [ Midline Process] [ Can Robots Take Control] [ Phortem] [ PhX] [ Batman Forever] [ Pinball Dreams] [ R-Type 128K] [ Nheredia] [ Doomsday Lost Echoes] [ Orion Prime] [ JavaCPC Overscan] Musical loader, Multi-drives, 3.5 inch (dual-head and 80 tracks) floppy drives support
*[ RPM] [ DskTest] [ Discover] [ Crazy] [ Dlfrsilver Dump Tool Test Suite] [ Format II] [ Magic Transfert] [[ParaDOS]] [ Xexor] [ Discology] [ Hercule II] [ UltraDisc] [ Disc+Ultra] [ Disc'o'Magic] [ Multi Mark] To test FDC emulation
*[ FatMag (HFE version)] [ Open Tower Defense] Rigorous FDC tests by Roudoudou [ Disk Swapping Autodetect software list] [ Superpix] [ Bad Mag Issue 2] Disk swapping detection [ Unique Diskmaker (Generate discs in noiseload format)] [ Big Cheese 2 (FDC VU-meter effect)] [ Demonstration of KBI protection] [ Protector]
*[ Weak Sectors] [ Custom Gaps] [ Custom Gap2] [ Sector SizeX] [ Sector Size8] [ Sector Size7] [ Sector Size6] [ Sector Erased] [ 64 Sectors] [ Custom] [ Rémi Herbulot] [ Brice Rive] [ Rubi] [ MBC] [ Logiciel 44] Protected software lists
*[ Prehistorik] [ Profession Détective] [ Emlyn Hugues Arcade Quiz] Other copy-protection schemes [ Dark Sceptre] [ Krypton Factor] Works only on older floppy drives [ MotorON software list17257 TokiMap] [ Technical explanation]Works only on Gotek *[ 1001 BC] [ Scott Winder Reporter] [ Holocauste] [ Speedlock AAAA] Destructive copy-protection [ Sir Lancelot] [ Secret Defense] [ M'enfin] [ Turbo Cup] [ Erebus] [ Le Passager du Temps] [ Anti-copy bug software list] Exotic copy-protection[ MotorON software list]
*[ Protection schemes documented] [ Gaps] [ Latis] [ LensLok] [ Copy-protection in EDSK images] [ Implementation in SugarBox emulator] [ FDC blog articles] [ Autoboot] [ Amsdos disk format] [ Disk structure] [ DiscSys] [ Speedlock K7 1987] [ Speedlock D7 1989] Technical explanations