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No change in size, 6 May
/* Audio */
== Audio ==
*[ Trantor] [ 3D Starfighter] [ Treasure Island Dizzy] [ Ghost Hunters] [ Super Robin Hood] [ Advanced Pinball Simulator] [ Jet Bike Simulator] [ Grand Prix Simulator] [ Darts 180] [ Killapede] [ Jail Break] [ Robocop] [ Chase HQ] [ Shinobi] [ Fly Spy] [ Just Get 9] [ 4-Bit Digi Try] [ OctoBear] [ Speech] Software English vocal sounds
*[ El Enigma de Aceps] [ Le Manoir de Mortvielle] [ Hold-Up] [ La Marque Jaune] [ Forteresse] [ Canadair] [ L'île] [ Jaws] [ Holocauste] [ Afteroids] [ Fire & Forget] [ Xyphoes Fantasy] [ Space Race] [ Josh] [ Yao demo] [ Terrific] [ Face Hugger Ultimate] [ Smallest Scroll] [ Musik100] [ Digital Synthesizer] [ Mega Sound] Other software sound effects [ Audio-tape included software list]*[ Now that's what I call Chip Tunes] [ Amstream music-disk] [ We Are All Old] [ AYC Sound] [ Shap Audio] [ Amstrad CPC Mix] [ YM!Rulez (real hardware recordings)] [ Soundtrakker 128k] [ ST128 Song Modules by BSC] [ Starkos] [ Starkos Song Modules] [ Mega Sound] [ Ams'Orgue] [ Sintetizador de Sonidos] To test the PSG emulation
== Peripherals ==