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168 bytes added, 11 May
/* Hardware and Parts */
*[ CPC 464/6128 replica PCBs] To be used as a direct replacement to the original PCBs
*[ ESP32 TinyCPC] Port from CPC-em emulator to TTGO VGA32 v1.x board with ESP32
*[ MCLZ8] Z80 emulator which runs on a Teensy 4[https://github.1 ARM board and can com/rejunity/z80-open-silicon z80-open-silicon] Z80 emulators to be used as a drop-in replacement
*[ Nuked-MD-FPGA] [ A-Z80] Verilog Z80 implementations reverse engineered from decapped chip [ Baltazar] [ Ken Shirriff] [ Instruction decode PLA table] Technical documentation
*[ Visual Z80 Remix] [ Z80 Explorer] Netlist-level ultra accurate Z80 simulators
*[ Les Mondes Parallèles] [ Paranoia] [ Molecularr 2] [ Megablasters] [ Quadraster] [ Inferno] [ Groops] [ Sudoku Master] [ Overkoban] [ Prince Dastan Sokoban Within] [ Deva Drifter] [ Hexavirus v0] [ A tribute to the sisters] True overscan games
*[ Mode 3 Test] [ New Mode] [ "Mode 5" Viewer] [ Brutal Deluxe] [ Split-Rasters Test CRTC1] [ Crazy Ball] [ Trailblazer] [ Fugitif] [ Flush Wishes You a Happy New Year] [ Pixel Free] [ Overscan Megatext] [ Gozeur Intro 2] [ Interlace viewer] [ Interlaced 800x600] [ Interlace] [ Climax] [ Kvety] [ Flipraster] [ Perfect Pix Paint] [ Bat-Moule] [ Tetris] [ Imperial Mahjong] Special graphics modes [ Mode EGX] [[Mode R]] [ Mode 5] Technical explanations
*[ Mire] [ 4 Sins] [ TV Noise] [ Climax-G] [ Nice Picture Show] [ Fatal Beauties] [ Pixel Nation] [ Twinblast] [ MCS 6] [ Schadel] [ Scandinavian Flag] [ Kill JLCS] [ Deleting Disc] [ Wavy] [ Vagues sur l'écran] [ Bildschirmverzerrer] [ Thunder Blade (292 lines)] [ Bonanza Bros (295 lines)] [ Turrican (296 lines)] [ Wonder Boy (296 lines)] [ Sliders (330 lines)] To test the VDU
== Audio ==
*[ Trantor] [ 3D Starfighter] [ Treasure Island Dizzy] [ Ghost Hunters] [ Super Robin Hood] [ Advanced Pinball Simulator] [ Jet Bike Simulator] [ Grand Prix Simulator] [ Darts 180] [ Killapede] [ Jail Break] [ Robocop] [ Chase HQ] [ Shinobi] [ Fly Spy] [ Meltdown] [ Just Get 9] [ 4-Bit Digi Try] [ OctoBear] [ Speech] Software English vocal sounds
*[ El Enigma de Aceps] [ Le Manoir de Mortvielle] [ Hold-Up] [ La Marque Jaune] [ Forteresse] [ Canadair] [ L'île] [ Jaws] [ Holocauste] [ Afteroids] [ Fire & Forget] [ Xyphoes Fantasy] [ Space Race] [ Josh] [ Batman The Movie (TB Crackers)] [ Yao demo] [ Terrific] [ Face Hugger Ultimate] [ Smallest Scroll] [ Musik100] [ Digital Synthesizer] [ Mega Sound] Other software sound effects [ Audio-tape included software list]
*[ Now that's what I call Chip Tunes] [ Amstream music-disk] [ We Are All Old] [ Anthology] [ AYC Sound] [ Shap Audio] [ Amstrad CPC Mix] [ YM!Rulez (real hardware recordings)] [ Soundtrakker 128k] [ ST128 Song Modules by BSC] [ Starkos] [ Starkos Song Modules] [ Ams'Orgue] [ Sintetizador de Sonidos] To test the PSG emulation