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1,348 bytes added, 07:52, 1 May 2018
'''BASDOS''' (BASIC Disc Operating System) is a patched AMSDOS made in East Germany (GDR) for the [[KC Compact]].
The disc interface for the KC Compact contains the BASDOS rom, a NEC765 disc controller and 64KB RAM.
Differences compared to AMSDOS:
* There is a new block of code at &dc00-&df00 in the ROM which starts with a small jumpblock. This code implements the patches. Other parts of the ROM have been patched to call into this.
* Disc motor handler is patched to support a Ramdisk if selected.* Ramdisk is chosen with drive 'C' or 'D' using |DRIVE only. The XDPB for the ramdisk is fixed and isn't auto detected. In addition data within the XDPB is used to identify Ramdisk 'formats'. 'Auto select' parameter is 1 for a ramdisk based format, which has a dual purpose of identifying it and preventing auto-detection and the filler byte has been repurposed to define the base ram page of the ramdisk. The ramdisk uses KC Compact RAM Expansion/Amstrad compatible RAM Expansions.* Read/write is patched to allow double sided Microdos disc discs so that BASDOS format can be used.* Drive 'A' or 'B' can be DATA, BASDOS format (704KB) or SYSTEM/VENDOR. IBM format is supported in AMSDOS modereplaced by BASDOS format.* Microdos requires 128KB Drive 'C' accesses a 64KB RAM DISK. (1KB blocks, 64 blocks, 32 directory entries). Uses second bank with ram selections from c4.* Drive 'D' accesses a 192KB RAM DISK. (which is present on 2KB blocks, 96 blocks, 128 directory entries). Uses second bank with ram selections from e8. Useful if you have a 256KB/512KB ram expansion.* the KC Compact double sided [[MicroDOS]] disc interface) to boot format is only supported in Microdosand not in AMSDOS mode. KL BANK SWITCH is used during bootThere are no XDPB defined for it within the BASDOS ROM.* BASDOS can boot both Microdos [[MicroDOS]] and Amstrad CP/M based using |CPM depending on the detected disc format. Read id is used to detect which is used. Both the sector ID (R) and sector size (N) from the read id results are used. A ram expansion is required for MicroDOS. Both BASDOS and MicroDOS should be useable on a CPC.
[[Category:Stub]] [[Category:Disc Operating_System]]