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1,168 bytes added, 09:36, 25 July 2018
/* GA: WAIT_n generator - Tests on real CPC (by DanyPPC) */
During this work, I remark an instruction that seems badly classified on plustest.dsk : 2A LD HL, (nn). This instruction does not use MEM_WR and is not a 5T M1 instruction. So it shall be using 4 NOPs instead of 5 NOPs. LD (nn), HL does take 5 NOPs (because it does use MEM_WR instruction), as in plustest.dsk testbench here for this instruction.
==== GA: WAIT_n generator - plustest-5 - Tests on real CPC (by DanyPPC) ====
[ CPCWiki's forum : Need plustest.dsk testbench 5 output on original CPC 6128]
About testbench border effects, I think that IO_ACKed instructions has to be under same rules (MEM_wr, modulo 4 etc) - update : same result in testbench using this way.
==== GA: WAIT_n generator - plustest-9 - Tests on real CPC (by GUNHED and Kris) ====
[ CPCWiki's forum : Need plustest.dsk testbench 9 output on original CPC 6128]
GUNHED results :
System 1: CPC6128, CRTC2:
Test 9 works normal until the &EC codes, there are two errors marked with an "X".
&ED, &46: 2
&ED, &4E: 2
After &ED, &5D it suddenly stops working!
System 2: 6128 Plus:
&ED, &46: 2
&ED, &48 5
&ED, &49: 5
&ED, &4E: 2
&ED, &50: 5
&ED, &51: 5
&ED, &58: 5
&ED, &59: 5
After &ED, &5D it suddenly stops working! Probably a crash, since a spot appears on screen.
Kris results :
Here are my results (teste performed on CPC 6128 CRTC 1)
Pictures of each screen attached in the .rar file.
In pictures of Kris, after ED5D, it does stop also. Only ED test part has some failings :
* ED46:C
* ED4E:C
In WinAPE (by default CPC 6128 CRTC1), ED test does finish its screeen result, with several fails :
* ED46:2
* ED4E:2
* ED66:2
* ED6E:2
Others screens results after does pass. Relaunching once again in WinAPE, same results.
==== GA: WAIT_n generator - talk about r005.8.16c20 ====