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Trip 2 Future

267 bytes added, 17:46, 23 October 2018
'''Trip2Future''' was organized by [[Vassago]] of [[Necron]]. ''(where did it take and took place? NOT in munich!Winnweiler, Germany (9-11.1996)''.
The party was quite special, as at this time, many CPC scene people already switched to more modern 16 and 32 bit computer systems like to the Archimedes ([[Mr.Ams]], [[Leather Rebel]], [[Odiesoft]], [[Face Hugger]]) or the PC ([[Prodatron]]) to continue their scene activities there.
* [[Odiesoft]] presented a lot of (cheat) parts of his upcoming megademo
* [[TFM]] released the [[Rotating Fraktal]] and the [[Star Trek]] demos for [[FutureOS]]
* Creation of the "CPC scene wanted poster", which was a section of the PC scene disc mag [ Autark] by N-Factor ([[Prodatron]]) and [[Leather Rebel]] with the help of [[Mr.Ams]] ([])
* [[Leather Rebel]] made a stupid business and sold his Risc PC to [[Odiesoft]]
* [[Brainblaster]] was angry about [[Prodatron]] because of too loud PC Digitrakker music
* [[Leather Rebel]] and [[BSC]] destroyed many computer equipments while playing aroung around with a giant balloon
* [[Incognito V]] has shown some very interesting movies
* [[Mr.Ams]] is said to have farted repeatedly
* [[Odiesoft]] burped a couple of times. Sometimes even beer was involved
* Almost everybody breathed - almost all of the time
== Participants ==