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/* 4th February 2000 (17) */
The Sega Master System was release in the mid-1980's, about the same time as Nintendo's system. It closely followed the released of the NES and had its own gimmicks to attract audiences, like 3-D glasses and a sports trackball to support its large library of sports games.
The Sega Master System was an 8-bit cartridge-based gaming platform and preceded the Sega Genesis. Although superior technically to the Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega lost the marketing war and the Sega Master System was left with few titles.
Master System Hardware Specifications: 
* CPU: Z-80 8 bit
* ROM: 128 KBit
* RAM: 64 KBit
* Video RAM: 128 KBit
* Colors: 64, 32 simultaneous
* Resolution: 256 x 192 dots
* Screen Scroll: horizontally, diagonally, vertically, partial
* Audio: 3 sound generators (four octaves each), 1 white noise
* Characters: 8 x 8 pixels, maximum of 448
* Sprites: 8 x 8 pixels, maximum of 256
* Cartridges: 1-4 MBit
My Sega Master System
* Acquired: 4th February 2000
* Status: Working
* Condition: Good
* Serial #: 49K02140
==== Peripherals ====
* 2 x Control Pad (new school model). Model No: 3020
* 1 x Light Phaser Gun Model No: 3050 Serial No: C8555870000
* 1 x The Sega 3-D Glasses
==== Software ====
# Sega Mega Cartridge: Battle Out Run (no box & manual) from Sega Enterprises Ltd (15/06/99)
# Sega Mega Cartridge: Double Dragon from Technos Japan Corp. - (19/05/99)
# Built-in: Missile Defense 3-D
# Sega Mega Cartridge: Outrun Europa (no box & manual) from Sega Enterprises Ltd. (15/06/99)
# Sega Mega Cartridge: Rambo III from Carolco International N.V.
# Sega Mega Cartridge: Robocop Versus The Terminator from Sega Enterprises Ltd.
# Sega Mega Cartridge: Running Battle from Sega Enterprises Ltd.
# Sega Mega Cartridge: Shinobi from Sega Enterprises Ltd.
# Sega Mega Cartridge: Streets Of Rage II from Sega Enterprises Ltd (25/09/99)
# Sega Mega Cartridge: Thunder Blade (no box and game manual) from Sega Enterprises Ltd.
# Sega Mega Cartridge: Vigilante (no box & manual) from Irem Corporation (25/09/99)
# Sega Mega Cartridge: Wonder Boy in Monster Land from Sega Enterprises Ltd.
# Sega Mega Cartridge: Zaxxon 3D from Sega Enterprises Ltd.
# Sega Mega Cartridge: Zillion II: Tri Formation
==== Books/User Manuals ====
* Game Manual: Double Dragon
* Game Manual: Robocop Versus The Terminator
* Game Manual: Shinobi
* Game Manual: Zaxxon 3D 
* Game Manual: Zillion II: Tri Formation
=== 23 November 2014 (70) ===