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==== ZACK Programming Language ====
is the ''ZAp-em-up Construction Kit'', an unfinished game creator software for the CPC. A unique and very promising package for people who wanted to create professional quality games easily. Written by Richard Wilson ([[Executioner|Executioner]]) in 1993.
According to the author himself: ''Everything got finished except the sound/FX and completed game loader/multi-load code.''
=== Download ===
You can download the unfinished version and sources of ZACK from author's [[WinApe|WINAPE]] site:
* [http://winape.net/download/zack.zip  ZACK preview]  (Note: use |CPM to run. ParaDOS is required for second disk image.)
* [http://winape.net/download/zackdev.zip  The complete source code for ZACK]    (ParaDOS is required due to 800k disk image.)
* [https://www.cpc-power.com/index.php?page=detail&num=12647    latest & more complete DSK of ZACK v1.0 !!]
=== Previews ===
[[image:Zack AA Preview.jpg|thumb|none|ZACK previewed in Amstrad Action issue 98]]
=== ZACK Programming Language ===
BACKGROUND (x,y) = value Set a background tile
BACKGROUND (x,y) = value Set a background tile
Line 78: Line 98:
WORD var{ ,var} Define a Word variable
WORD var{ ,var} Define a Word variable
Some of these commands may not be fully implemented.<br>
Some of these commands may not be fully implemented.<br>
ABS expr Absolute value
BACKGROUND (x, y) Background tile (x and y in bytes)
DIR obj Direction of another object (0..7)
INKEY key Test a key
MAX (value1{, valuen}) Maximum of values
MIN (value1{, valuen}) Minimum of values
NOT expr Logical NOT
RND Random Word
<b>System variables</b><br>
marker Byte Current layout marker number
scroll_type Byte Current scroll type (automatic?)
x_scrl Byte Current horizontal scroll direction
y_scrl Byte Current vertical scroll direction
mk_task Byte Task for current marker
m1 .. m8 Byte Marker variables
lay_x Word Layout X position
lay_y Word Layout Y position
par_x Word Parallax X position
par_y Word Parallax Y position
object Byte Object number of current object
part Byte Part of current object (0 .. 11)
mv_task Byte Task to move object
dr_task Byte Task to draw object
x Word X position of object
y Word Y position of object
v1 .. v8 Byte Object variables
priority Byte Priority of object
y_pos Byte Y co-ordinate from LOCATE
x_pos Byte X co-ordinate from LOCATE
case Byte CAPS LOCK state
ctrl_shift Byte Shift and CONTROL state
text_mode Byte Text output mode
intno Byte Current interrupt in frame (0 .. 5)
screen_type Byte Current screen type
flash_mask Byte Mask for flashing objects
win_y Byte Window Y of top left
win_x Byte Window X of top left
win_h Byte Height of window
win_w Byte Width of window
org_y Byte Window Y origin
org_x Byte Window X origin
current Byte Current object reference
parent Byte Current parent object reference
main_pty Byte Priority of objects from tasks
back_pty Byte Priority of objects from layout
new_pty Byte Priority of next object
num_obj Byte Number of objects
hit Byte Collision object reference
escape Byte Disable/Enable the Escape key
high 10 Score Array of high scores
name 10 String Array of names for high scores
high_pos Byte Position from INSERT HIGH command
mask 16 Byte Array of byte masks for each ink
sequence ? Byte Background sequence array
.object Byte Parent object number
.part Byte Parent part
.mv_task Byte Parent Move Task
.dr_task Byte Parent Draw Task
.x Word Parent X location
.y Word Parent Y location
.v1 .. .v8 Byte Parent object variables
Below is an example ZACK program:<br>
Below is an example ZACK program:<br>
Line 353: Line 447:
[[User:|]] 09:46, 5 September 2006 (CEST)
[[User:Executioner|Executioner]] 09:48, 5 September 2006 (CEST)
[[Category:Programming software]]

Latest revision as of 11:51, 25 August 2019

ZACK is the ZAp-em-up Construction Kit, an unfinished game creator software for the CPC. A unique and very promising package for people who wanted to create professional quality games easily. Written by Richard Wilson (Executioner) in 1993. According to the author himself: Everything got finished except the sound/FX and completed game loader/multi-load code.


You can download the unfinished version and sources of ZACK from author's WINAPE site:

  • ZACK preview (Note: use |CPM to run. ParaDOS is required for second disk image.)


ZACK previewed in Amstrad Action issue 98

ZACK Programming Language


BACKGROUND (x,y) = value		Set a background tile
BACKGROUND COLLISION from[ .. to]	Test for background collision
BORDER ink				Set Border
BYTE var{ ,var}				Define Byte variable(s)
CLEAR SCREEN byte			Clear the screen
CONSOLE					Output on Console
CONST var = value{ ,var = value}	Define constant(s)
COPY LAYOUT x,y,width,height TO x,y	Copy a section of the Layout
COPY SPRITE n TO n			Copy a Sprite
DEC var					Decrement a variable
DEFINE var = value{ ,var = value}	Define constant(s) (Same as CONST)
DEFINE KEY key				Define a key
DEFINE MAIN TASK number			Define a Main Task
DEFINE MARKER TASK number		Define a Marker Task
DEFINE MOVE TASK number			Define a Move Task
DEFINE DRAW TASK number			Define a Draw Task
DRAW x,y[,pen]				Not implemented (Draw a line)
DRAW TASK number			Execute DRAW Task
ELSE					ELSE statement
ELSE IF expr				ELSE IF statement
ENDIF					End of IF statement
FLASH OBJECT				Flash the current Object
FOR var = start TO end[ STEP step]	For loop statement
GOTO line				GOTO statement
GOTO MARKER marker			Go to Layout Marker
HIDDEN SCREEN				Output on Hidden Screen
IF expr[ GOTO line]			IF or IF .. GOTO statement
INC var					Increment a variable
INK pen, ink				Set the given pen to palette colour
INPUT var[:width]			Assign user input to variable
INSERT HIGH position			Insert a High Score in the table
KILL number				Kill given Object
KILL ALL				Kill all Objects
LOCATE x,y				Position text cursor
MAIN TASK number			Execute MAIN Task
MOVE x,y				Move graphics position
MOVE OBJECT dx,dy[ SCROLL]		Move current Object (include scroll)
MOVE OBJECTS				Execute MOVE Tasks for all Objects
MOVE TASK number			Execute given MOVE Task
NEW OBJECT obj,part,x,y,mt[,dt[,v1..]]	Create a new Object (mt = Move Task, dt=Draw Task)
NEXT					Continue FOR loop
OBJECT COLLISION from[ .. to]		Check for collision with another Object
ORIGIN x,y				Change the output Origin
PAUSE delay[ KEY key]			Pause for given time (or until key pressed)
PLAY FX number				Not implemented (Play given Sound Effect)
PLAY TUNE number			Not implemented (Play given Tune)
PLOT x,y[,pen]				Not implemented (Plot a point)
PRINT [@x,y,]expr[:width]		Print value (at position, with given width)
REPEAT					Repeat loop statement
RESET var{ ,var}			Reset variable(s) to zero
RESET INKS				Reset palette to default???
RETURN					Return from a Task
SCORE var{, var}			Define a Score variable
SCREEN TYPE number			Set the screen format
SCROLL					Scroll the layout (if scrolling on)
SCROLL OFF				Turn automatic scrolling off
SCROLL ON				Turn automatic scrolling on
SHOW BACKGROUND				Show the background
SHOW KEY key				Show the label for the given key
SHOW MINI number			Show given Mini-Sprite at current position
SHOW OBJECT obj,part			Show an Object at current position
SHOW OBJECTS				Show all Objects
SHOW SCREEN				Show the hidden screen
SHOW SHOT number			Show Shot-Sprite at current position
SHOW SPRITE number			Draw a Sprite at the current position
STOP FX					Not implemented (Stop Sound Effect)
STOP TUNE				Not implemented (Stop Tune playing)
STRING var{ ,var}			Define a String variable
SWAP SPRITE number,number		Swap two sprites
UNTIL expr				End of REPEAT..UNTIL loop
VISIBLE SCREEN				Output on the Visible Screen
WEND					End of WHILE loop
WHILE expr				WHILE loop statement
WINDOW x,y,width,height			Define a window for output
WORD var{ ,var}				Define a Word variable

Some of these commands may not be fully implemented.


ABS expr				Absolute value
BACKGROUND (x, y)			Background tile (x and y in bytes)
DIR obj					Direction of another object (0..7)
INKEY key				Test a key
MAX (value1{, valuen})			Maximum of values
MIN (value1{, valuen})			Minimum of values
NOT expr				Logical NOT
RND					Random Word

System variables

marker				Byte	Current layout marker number
scroll_type			Byte	Current scroll type (automatic?)
x_scrl				Byte	Current horizontal scroll direction
y_scrl				Byte	Current vertical scroll direction
mk_task				Byte	Task for current marker
m1 .. m8			Byte	Marker variables

lay_x				Word	Layout X position
lay_y				Word	Layout Y position
par_x				Word	Parallax X position
par_y				Word	Parallax Y position

object				Byte	Object number of current object
part				Byte	Part of current object (0 .. 11)
mv_task				Byte	Task to move object
dr_task				Byte	Task to draw object
x				Word	X position of object
y				Word	Y position of object
v1 .. v8			Byte	Object variables
priority			Byte	Priority of object

y_pos				Byte	Y co-ordinate from LOCATE
x_pos				Byte	X co-ordinate from LOCATE

case				Byte	CAPS LOCK state
ctrl_shift			Byte	Shift and CONTROL state
text_mode			Byte	Text output mode
intno				Byte	Current interrupt in frame (0 .. 5)
screen_type			Byte	Current screen type
flash_mask			Byte	Mask for flashing objects

win_y				Byte	Window Y of top left
win_x				Byte	Window X of top left
win_h				Byte	Height of window
win_w				Byte	Width of window
org_y				Byte	Window Y origin
org_x				Byte	Window X origin

current				Byte	Current object reference
parent				Byte	Current parent object reference
main_pty			Byte	Priority of objects from tasks
back_pty			Byte	Priority of objects from layout
new_pty				Byte	Priority of next object
num_obj				Byte	Number of objects
hit				Byte	Collision object reference
escape				Byte	Disable/Enable the Escape key

high		10		Score	Array of high scores
name		10		String	Array of names for high scores
high_pos			Byte	Position from INSERT HIGH command
mask		16		Byte	Array of byte masks for each ink
sequence	?		Byte	Background sequence array

.object				Byte	Parent object number
.part				Byte	Parent part
.mv_task			Byte	Parent Move Task
.dr_task			Byte	Parent Draw Task
.x				Word	Parent X location
.y				Word	Parent Y location
.v1 .. .v8			Byte	Parent object variables

Below is an example ZACK program:

      WORD mky,dots,w1,w2
      BYTE pills,stage,m,power

      PAUSE 10

      MAIN TASK 1


0     stage = 1
      m = 0
1     KILL ALL
      NEW OBJECT 1,28,48,0,0,-2
      INC m
      mky = lay_y-184
      COPY LAYOUT 256,mky,32,14 TO 0,mky

      x = 24
      y = 0
      FOR v1 = 0 TO m2
      NEW OBJECT 4,x+24,-16,y,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,lay_x+x,lay_y-16
      x = x+2
      y = y+4
      IF y=12
      y = 0

      MAIN TASK 2
      MAIN TASK 3

      WHILE dots
      COPY SPRITE 15 TO 35
      COPY SPRITE 34 TO 15
      COPY SPRITE 33 TO 34
      COPY SPRITE 32 TO 33
      COPY SPRITE 35 TO 32
      IF INKEY 38
      MAIN TASK 2
      INC stage
      IF m1 GOTO 1
      GOTO 0


      PRINT @11,0,"PAC ATTACK"
      PRINT @12,2,"Stage"
      PRINT @18,2,stage:2
      v2 = 32
      RESET dots,pills
      FOR w2 = mky TO mky+448 STEP 32
      FOR w1 = 32 TO 280 STEP 8
      v1 = BACKGROUND (w1,w2)
      MOVE w1/8+12,v2
      IF v1=0
      v3 = 1
      ELSE IF v1<15
      v3 = 2
      ELSE IF v1<18
      v3 = v1-12
      v3 = 0
      SHOW SHOT v3
      IF v1=16
      INC dots
      ELSE IF v1=17
      INC pills
      v2 = v2+4
      PRINT @10,13,"Dots  :"
      PRINT @17,13,dots:4
      PRINT @10,15,"Pills :"
      PRINT @17,15,pills:4
      UNTIL INKEY 47


      BYTE c1,c2,i1[5],i2[5]
      DEFINE i1[1]=3,i1[2]=2,i1[4]=6,i1[5]=13
      DEFINE i2[1]=3,i2[2]=2,i2[3]=4,i2[4]=0,i2[5]=13

      v2 = 1
      FOR w2 = mky TO mky+448 STEP 32
      v4 = 1
      FOR w1 = 32 TO 280 STEP 8
      v1 = BACKGROUND (w1,w2)
      IF v1=0
      v3 = 1
      ELSE IF v1<15
      v3 = 2
      ELSE IF v1<18
      v3 = v1-12
      v3 = 0
      c1 = i1[v3]
      c2 = i2[v3]
      PLOT v4,v2,mask[c1]
      PLOT v4,v2+1,mask[c2]
      i1[4] = i1[4] XOR 3
      INC v4
      v2 = v2+2


      power = 0
      w1 = lay_x+28
      w2 = lay_y+48
      IF NOT ((w1 AND 7) OR (w2 AND 31))
      v6 = BACKGROUND (w1+v1*4,w2+v2*4)
      IF v6<16
      v1 = 0
      v2 = 0
      IF (lay_y AND 31)=16
      IF v1<2 AND INKEY 63
      v6 = BACKGROUND (w1+8,w2)
      IF v6>15
      v1 = 2
      v2 = 0
      object = 0
      GOTO 1
      ELSE IF v1>-2 AND INKEY 71
      v6 = BACKGROUND (w1-1,w2)
      IF v6>15
      v1 = -2
      v2 = 0
      object = 1
      GOTO 1
      IF (lay_x AND 7)=4
      IF v2<8 AND INKEY 22
      v6 = BACKGROUND (w1,w2+32)
      IF v6>15
      v1 = 0
      v2 = 8
      object = 3
      ELSE IF v2>-8 AND INKEY 19
      v6 = BACKGROUND (w1,w2-32)
      IF v6>15
      v1 = 0
      v2 = -8
      object = 2
1     lay_x = (lay_x+v1) AND 255
      lay_y = lay_y+v2
      IF NOT ((w1 AND 7) OR (w2 AND 31))
      v6 = BACKGROUND (w1,w2)
      IF v6=16 OR v6=17
      IF v6=16
      DEC dots
      power = 1
      BACKGROUND (w1,w2) = 63
      v4 = w1/8-3
      v5 = ((w2-mky+32) AND &FFE0)/16+1
      PLOT v4,v5,0
      PLOT v4,v5+1,0
      IF v1 OR v2
      part = (part+1) MOD 6
      IF hit
      BORDER 26


      BYTE a,b,d[4],adx[3],ady[3]
      DEFINE adx[1]=8,adx[3]=-8
      DEFINE ady[0]=-32,ady[2]=32

      IF power
      v3 = 255
      IF object=4
      object = 5
      v1 = -v1
      v2 = -v2

      IF v3
      DEC v3
      object = 4

      IF NOT ((w1 AND 7) OR (w2 AND 31))
      v6 = BACKGROUND (w1+v1*4,w2+v2*4)
      IF v1<>0
      a = BACKGROUND (w1,w2-32)
      b = BACKGROUND (w1,w2+32)
      a = BACKGROUND (w1-8,w2)
      b = BACKGROUND (w1+8,w2)
      IF v6<16 OR (a>15) OR (b>15)
      a = DIR (1)/2
      IF v3
      a = a XOR 2
      IF a=(v4 XOR 2)
      d[3] = a
      b = 0
      d[0] = a
      b = 1
      a = RND AND 3
      IF a=(v4 XOR 2)
      a = (a+1) AND 3
      FOR v4 = b TO b+2
      d[v4] = a
      a = (a+1) AND 3
      d[4] = a
      a = 0
      GOTO 2
1     INC a
      IF a>4
      PAUSE 100
2     v4 = d[a]
      v6 = BACKGROUND (w1+adx[v4],w2+ady[v4])
      IF v6<15 OR (v6=15 AND ((v4<>0) OR (RND AND 7))) GOTO 1
      v1 = adx[v4]/4
      v2 = ady[v4]/4
      w1 = w1+v1
      w2 = w2+v2

      x = MAX (MIN (w1-lay_x,72),-16)
      y = MAX (MIN (w2-lay_y,160),-64)
      part = (part AND 12)+((part+1) AND 3)

Executioner 09:48, 5 September 2006 (CEST)