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2,001 bytes added, 18:00, 7 November 2019
/* Alchimie 13 – 2019 */
File:Alchimie2017 logo.png|Alchimie12File:Alchimie13 party 2019.jpg|Alchimie13
This year '''more than 20 French Amstradists''' came to the party which also saw 3 Amstrad releases, while many are often seen posting at [[Forum|various forums]] such as [[]] or [[CPCRulez]], other peoples simply came with Amstrads along other machines because you know, AMMMSTRAAAADDD !!! The Organizers really appreciated that those many Amstradists came to revitalize the Party with good humour and a huge crocodile, the best thanks to be done to the TripleA association is to come to release nice prods there. MacGyver spent the whole event to demonstrate the PinScreen in the "Amstrad corner" and some conferences were held by Roudoudou, MacGyver, PulkoMandy. Khomenor covered the event with many Twitch lives with 2 webcams and many drinks were had. As always a concert with AY/YM chiptunes was given on Saturday night. Also it was steaming hot because of some heating system malfunction and a few power shortage here and there due to some misplaced red power-off button and the many 30+ years old machines working. This year, nice mouse pads and bags were produced as merchandizing / goodies.
==== Alchimie 13 – 2019 ====
* '''Visitors : ''' Demoniak, Roudoudou, Golem13, AsT, Drill, Kris, Sid, Khomenor, Hayabusa, JayBLOOD, MacDeath, Xtrabet, OffseT, Overflow, TotO, Hicks
, Beb, JBleDaron, MAC_GYVER, Targhan, Tarkir, norecess, CeD, OneVision, Gotcha, CMP, hERMOL, PulkoMandy, Solorenzero...
'''Teams :''' Impact, Vanity,, Futur's, Logon System, Arkos, Condense, CPCrulez, Shinra, Easter Egg...
'''Roudoudou''' produced an '''invitro demo''' for the event : '''Rouleau de printemps''' by Roudoudou / Resistance, on Amstrad PLUS.
This year's Alchimie goodie was a plastic cup. many VIP2020 demoparty coffee mugs were offered as well.
'''Almost 30 Amstrad active sceners''' or user attended the party (on a total of 169 reservations) which was probably one of the biggest de-facto "Amstrad" (french) event since quite some time. Twitch Live streams by Khomenor and JBleDaron were covering the whole event, NoRecess could come from far Québec to present preview of Sonic GX, Golem13 was also presenting his longer beard and Ghost'N'Goblin PLUS cartridge version preview as well. Targhan peformed some Arkos tracker improvised master class. The whole Impact team was assembled, Vanity as well, the amount of (french) legends per square meters was sometimes impressive (despite on only 2 square meters), yet not a lot of releases beside a pair of graphix or some wild compos from Amstradists. Food and drinks were had, lulz too.
'''Ced''' was awarded '''second place in 2D graphics''' with a nice Amstrad CPC full-screener.
'''JBleDaron''' was awarded 1st place in streaming music with "quelque chose de CPC"
'''Khomenor''' and '''MacGyver''' were awareded 2nd place in Wild compo with Pacothon (pinscreen animation + remix song with samples from JBleDaron twitch livestreams).
'''Overflow''' was retiring as the Legend he is, giving place for all the other legends to exist again. He was last seen as a Spectrum48 scener, doing MSX ports for Alice computers.
Image:Alchimie13 party 2019.jpg|Event's Logo
Image:Alchimie 13 cpc group.jpg|The Amstradists.
Image:IMG alchimie13 0375.jpg|Exclusive preview by Golem13 and noRecess.
Image:Alchimie13.cup.1.png|2019's goodie.
== µAlchimie timeline ==