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Croco Chanel N°4

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[[Image:CC4.gif|thumb|244px]] ''CrocoChannel Croco Chanel Meeting #4N°4'' call for attenders Near Paris from 4,5 & 6 May 2007 (friday 14h to monday 10h) !
The fourth edition of the CrocoChannel Croco Channel Meeting may be organized next year only if there's enough attenders (minimum 30, to share the location rent and food and having a cheap entrance fee for everyone). The meeting will take took place near Paris (60Km) at Laigneville (Oise). You can join the party place by walking 15 minutes from the train station.
Several dates are possible :== Participants ==
* Croco Chanel #4,5 participants list& 6 May 2007 (friday 14h to monday 10h), nbsp;: * 11,12 & 13 May 2007 (friday 14h to monday 10h), * ''France'' * or finally later, somewhere in october or november 2007** [ Asphyx] of [ ACiD]*** [[Ast]] of [[Impact]] and ex-[[Ast System]]*** [[Barjack]] of [[Futur's]]*** [[BDC-Iron]] of [[Hard'OS]]*** [[Beb]] of [[Overlanders]]*** [[Candy]] of [[Overlanders]]*** [[CeD]] of [[Kill Or Die]]*** [[CloudStrife]] of [[Shinra team]]*** [[CMP]] of [[Impact]] and ex-[[Paradox]]*** [[Cracky]] of [[Mortel]]*** [[Dada]] of [[Hard'Os]]*** [[Demoniak]]*** [[Dracula]] of [[Mortel]]*** [[Eliot]] of [[Benediction]]*** [[Fred Crazy]] of [[Logon System]]*** [[Garett]] of [[Morphales From Normandy]]*** [[Genesis 8]]*** [[Grim]] of [[Arkos]]*** [[Hermol]]*** [[Hicks]] of [[Another World]]*** [[Hydris]]*** [[Jamian]]*** [[Kawickboy]] of [[Morphales From Normandy]]*** [[Ker]]*** [[Kris]]*** [[Longshot]] of [[Logon System]]*** [[NiKoKo]]*** [[OffseT]] of [[Futurs']]*** [[Overflow]] of [[Logon System]]*** [[Power]]*** [[PulkoMandy]] of [[Shinra team]]*** [[Rainbow Software]]*** [[Ram 7]]*** [[Ramlaid]] of [[Arkos]]*** [[Raven]] of [[Neoxys]]*** [[Romain]]*** [[Roudoudou]] of Flower Corp.*** [[Rubi]] of [[Logon System]]*** [[Shap]] of [[Overlanders]]*** [[Sid]] of [[Impact]]*** [[Slyder]] of [[Hard'Os]]*** [[Snake Plissken]] of [[Revival]]*** [[Stv]] of [[Overlanders]]*** [[Supersly]] of [[Les Sucres en Morceaux]]*** [[Targhan]] of [[Arkos]]*** [[Tom et Jerry]] of [[GPA]]*** [[Toms]] of [[Another World]]*** [[Tronic]] of [[GPA]]*** [[Two Mag]] of [[GPA]]*** [[Wild]] of [[Crack'n Rom]] And [[Le Canard Déchainé]]*** [[Zik]] of [[Futurs']]** ''Switzerland'' *** [ Exin] of [ Cosine]
If you are interested to come, drop a mail now to [[Candy]] of [[Overlanders]] to give him what dates are the best for you or ask any further information : == Results ==
broudin (dot) sebastien (at) laposte (dot) net{{Croco Chanel N°4/Contest}}
Croco Chanel #4 participants list :== Links ==
* [[Grim]] of [[Arkos]] ( ''FranceCroco Chanel n°4'')* [[CandyOfficial Website]] of [[Overlanders]] (''France'')* [[Jamian]] (''France'')* [[Shap]] of [[Overlanders]] (''France'')* [[Roudoudou]] (''France'')* [[Ker]] (''France'')* [[Overflow]] of [[Logon System]] (''France'')* [[Targhan]] of [[Arkos]] (''France'')* [[Beb]] of [[Overlanders]] (''France'')* [[Hermol]] (''France'')* [[Cmp]] of [[Impact]] (''France'')* [[Longshot]] of [[Logon System]] (''France'')* [[Ast]] of [[Impact]] (''France'')* [[Madram]] of [[Overlanders]] (''France'')
One of the coolest CPC * [ is back ! Be there !-informatique--en-mai-prochain--qui-va-detroner-tout-ce-que-vous-pensiez-connaitre.html ''Croco Chanel n°4'' on the french e-zine]
Some pictures of [* [ ''Croco Chanel N°1n°4 - Invitro'' on]], [* [ ''Croco Chanel N°2n°4 - A little video'']] and  [[Croco Chanel N°3Category:CPC_events]]