

1,647 bytes added, 09:32, 17 September 2020
/* Synthesizer, sampler and music related */
* [[Locomotive BASIC]] (reference for BASIC commands, functions and error messages)
* [[Technical information about Locomotive BASIC]] (encoding of BASIC programs in memory)
== Co-processor Interfaces ==
* [[CPC-Cplink]] - a card and software libraries allowing Raspberry Pi, Arduino or other processors to be connected directly to the CPC
== Data transfer ==
=== Modems ===
* [[Cirkit_Prestel_Link_Amstrad_Interface]] (acoustic coupler bundled with [[Cirkit serial interface]]) ([[Cirkit]])
* [[Commstar v21/23 modem]] ([[PACE]])
* [[Data Research CH301S modem]] (greek company)
* [[EPTA modem]] (sold by Greek mag ΕΠΤΑ)
* [[KDS Communicator 104]] (connects directly to expansion port) ([[KDS Electronics]])
* [[Loritel]] (for french Minitel) ([[Loriciel|Loriciels]])
* [[Mini-Max Modem|KDS Mini-Max Modem]] (connects via RS232 interface) ([[KDS Electronics]])
* [[MicroLink Dual-Speed Modem]] ([[MicroLink]]) [[File:Microlink.pdf|Mircolink Manual]] and [[File:Micronet.pdf|Micronet manual]], provided by ''Spookspring''
* [[MicroLink Multi-Speed Modem]] ([[MicroLink]])
* [[Cirkit_Prestel_Link_Amstrad_InterfaceNightingale_modem]] (acoustic coupler bundled with [[Cirkit serial interface]]) ([[CirkitPACE]])* [[Schneider BTX Modul]] (for german German Bildschirmtext) ([[Schneider]])* [[Loritel]] (for french Minitel) ([[Loriciel|Loriciels]])
=== Serial Interfaces ===
* ([[RS232|overview of RS232 interfaces]])
* [[Albireo]] (serial to USB on-board) ([[PulkoTronics]] / DIY)
* [[Aleste 520EX]] (a CPC clone with built-in RS232, intended for serial mouse) ([[Patisonic]])
* [[AMSSIO]] (four different versions) (RS232 interface) (DIY) (Martin Zacho)
* [[SCA CPC Prolink]] ([[SCA Products]])
* [[Schneider RS232 Interface]] ([[Schneider]])
* [[Z80 STI RS232 interface]] compatible to the one before, DIY!
* [[Schneiderware V/24 Interface]] (DIY) ([[CPC Schneider International]])
* [[Simple RS232 for Printer usage]] (DIY) (one-directional, transmit only)
=== Exotic Drives ===
* [[Albireo]] (USB mass storage, SD card) ([[PulkoTronics]] / DIY)
* [[Codemasters CD]] (loads games from Audio CD via joystick port) ([[Codemasters]])
* [[Draysoft DoublerX-Mass]] (external tape inputIDE, for tapeuses Solid-tostate Disk-tape transfers) ([[Evesham Micros]]on-Module)
=== Hard Disc Drives ===
* [[Vortex Winchester Drive]] ([[Vortex Computersysteme|Vortex]])
* [[IDE/8255]] external IDE Interface ([[rpalmer]])
* [[UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers]] (modern) ([[JonB]])
* [[X-Mass]] (modern) (uses solid state Disk-On-Module) ([[TotO]])
=== Drive Emulators ===
* [[Gotek]]
* [[HxC Floppy Emulator]]
* [[SDiskEmul]]
* [[Action Replay]] (whatever snapshot) ([[Datel Electronics]])
* [[Disc Wizard]] (whatever snapshot) ([[Draysoft]]/[[Evesham Micros]])* [[Draysoft Doubler|Doubler]] (external tape input, for tape-to-tape transfers) ([[Draysoft]]/[[Evesham Micros]])
* [[Hackit|Hackit / Le Hacker]] (allows to view RAM at 0040h..AF00h) ([[Siren Software]])
* [[Mirage Imager]] (RAM-only snapshot) (Mirage Microcomputer Limited)
=== Mouse ===
* [[Albireo]] with USB mouse ([[PulkoTronics]] / DIY)
* [[AMX Mouse]] (Advanced Memory Systems)
* [[PS2Mouse|AMX Compatible PS/2 and USB Mouse Adapter]] (DIY)
* ([[Standard Memory Expansions]])
* [[ANTA 64K Memory Expansion]] ([[MHT Ingenieros]])
* [[CPC4MB| CPC4MB - 4 MB memory expansion]] ([[Yarek]])
* [[c't 512 KB internal RAM expansion]] (DIY) (c't magazine)
* [[Dobbertin Memory Expansion]] ([[Dobbertin]]) - 64 KB to 512 KB RAM
* [[Inicron RAM-Box]] (Inicron) - 512 KB RAM
* [[Old School 512K RAM Expansion]] (Revaldinho) - 512K RAM expansion built with an SRAM and 74 Series standard logic
*[[Universal 512K and 1MByte RAM Expansions]] (Revaldinho) - RAM expansions enabling CPC464s to run FutureOS and other 6128 only software
* [[Otten & Fecht 1 MB RAM-Disc]] ([[Otten/Fecht]])
* [[Phoenix M64]] - 64 KB RAM
* [[SYMBiFACE II]] - 512 KB RAM
* [[Vortex Expansions RAM card]] ([[Vortex Computersysteme|Vortex]]) - 512 KB RAM
* [[X-MEM]] ([[TotO]]) - 512KB RAM and 512KB ROM
* [[Y-MEM]] ([[TotO]]) - 512KB RAM and 512KB ROM
* [[Z-MEM]] ([[TotO]]) - 1MB RAM
=== ROM Box / ROM Board ===
* [[Amstrad ROM Expander]] (DIY) (Practical Electronics/Simon Dean)
* [[Britannia ROM Board]] aka ROM Plus ([[Britannia Software Ltd]])
* [[Campursoft_ROM_Board]]
* [[Cirkit HX-RX1 Rom Expansion Card]] ([[Cirkit]]) (what is this?) (added 3 September 2006 by Torn) (also listed on [[Hwlist from retroisle]])
* [[CPC.Flash]] internal/external 4MB ROM upgrade ([[Yarek]])
* [[CPC GX4000-Multi EPROM Cartridge]] Use a GX cartridge for modified ROM software
* [[Dobbertin EPROM 224]] ([[Dobbertin]])
* [[FlashGordon]] ([[PulkoTronics]]) 512 KB ROM simulator using Flash, in-system programmable
* [[Fleet EPROM Programmer|Fleet EPROM Programmer]] (F.Kup and Fleet Microsystems Ltd.)
* [[FO-DOS|FO-DOS Cartridge]] - a CPC6128 ROM (BIOS v3, BASIC v1.1) upgrade for the CPC464 ([[Duchet Computers]])
* [[Hexam]] ([[Ace Software]])
* [[Honeysoft ROM Board]] ([[HoneySoft]])
* [[Inicron ROM-RAM-Box]] (Inicron)
* [[KDS Sideways ROM Board]] ([[KDS Electronics]])
* [[LowerROM]] ([[Bryce]])
* [[Maplin ROM Box]] ([[Maplin]])
* [[MegaFlash]] (DIY - Bryce) 512 KB ROM simulator using Flash, in-system programmable
* [[Ramcard 128]] (a ROM emulator) ([[RAM7]])
* [[Rombo Rombox]] ([[Rombo Productions]])
* [[RomboRedux|Rombo Redux]] Remake of the Rombo Rombox (The Equalizor)
* [[Schneiderware EPROM Burner]] (DIY) ([[CPC Schneider International]])
* [[Schneiderware Pseudo ROM]] (DIY) ([[CPC Schneider International]])
* [[SuperPower ROM Box]] ([[Micro Power Ltd.]])
* [[Universeller EPROM Programmer 4004]] ([[Dobbertin]])
* [[X-MEM]] ([[ACME]])
* [[X-ROM]] Eprom programmer and ROM Board ([[Timatic Systems]])
== Multi function expansions ==
* [[Albireo]] ([[PulkoTronics]] / DIY)
* [[CPC Booster|CPC Booster/CPC Booster+]]
* [[CPCMax!]]
* [[CPCISA by Yarek]] ([[Yarek]])
* [[CPCMax!]]
* [[CPCX]]
* [[Full Expandable Interface]] ([[Timatic Systems]])
* [[PlayCity]]
== Printers ==
* [[Schneiderware Real Time Clock]] (DIY) ([[CPC Schneider International]])
* [[SYMBiFACE_II:Realtime_clock|Realtime Clock]] of [[SYMBiFACE_II]] (modern RTC with bugged century counter)
* [[Realtime Clock of SYMBiFACE III]]
* [[uRTC-8 Universal RTC for Z80 computers]] (JonB)
== Synthesizer, sampler and music related ==
* [[EMR MIDI Interface]] (MIDI) ([[EMR|ElectroMusic Research]])
* [[FuturePlayer]] (modern MP3 playback, max 128kbps) (Hard: Dr.Zed, Soft: TFM)
* [[LambdaSpeak]]
* [[Maestro]] (Amplifier/Speakers) (Vanguard Leisure Ltd.)
* [[Magic Sound Board]] for [[Aleste 520EX]] (four channel DMA playback) ([[Patisonic]])
* [[Music Machine]] (Sampling/Playback/MIDI) ([[Ram Electronics]])
* [[MHT Speech Synthesizer]] (Speech) ([[MHT Ingenieros]])
* [[Silicon Systems MIDI Interface]] ([[Silicon Systems]]) (what is this?) (added 3 September 2006 by Torn) (also listed on [[Hwlist from retroisle]])* [[Sound Blaster]] (Amplifier/Speakers) ([[Siren Software]])
* [[Soundplayer]] (many different versions exist) (Playback) ([[Futurs']])
* [[TechniMusique Synthetiseur Musical|TMPI musical synthesizerMusical Synthesizer]] (12 voices) ([[TechniMusique]])* [[TMPI speech synthesizer|TMPI Speech Synthesizer]] (Speech) ([[TechniMusique]])
* [[Unconventional use of hardware to produce sounds]]
== Cartridge ==
* [[C4CPC|C4CPC]] a modern cartridge replacement for the Amstrad Plus range and the GX4000.
== Miscellaneous ==
* [[Fischertechnik Interface]] for use with the [[Fischertechnik Trainingsrobot]], the [[Fischertechnik Plotter/Scanner]], and the [[Fischertechnik Computing Experimental]] kit.
* [[HDCPC]] (what is this?) (added 21 August 2006 by (according to [[Dobbertin Harddisc|this page]], HDCPC is a modern IDE harddisk interace, but it's unknown who developed that thing?)
* [[Hexam]] ([[ACE Software]])
* [[Jagot & Leon Interface Cards]] ([[Jagot & Leon]])
* [[KDS Power Controller]] (a box with eight relays) ([[KDS Electronics]])