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22 bytes added, 19:42, 9 January 2021
/* Introduction */updated, fixed typos
== Introduction ==
'''FutureOS''' is an revolutionary operating system for the Amstrad [[CPC6128|CPC6128]], [[Plus|6128Plus6128plus]], [[C-ONE|C-One]] and [[CPC TREX|CPC TREX]]. The version for the CPCPlus CPCplus supports some of its special features. The CPC464 and CPC664 can run FutureOS with a [ revaldinho's] 512 KB RAM expansion only.FutureOS is being developed by [[TFM|TFM]] of [[FutureSoft|FutureSoft]] in [[Z80|Z80]] assembler. The development of FutureOS and its applications continues from 1989 up to now (20202021). Latest OS release was November 28, 2020.
On the Amstrad CPC many efforts to build a GUI were made, fewer to build an OS. In other cases they were just extensions to realize some kind of a WIMP environment but weren't true operating systems with their own kernel, memory-management, BIOS, BDOS and so on. Therefore, the CPC's own OS (in combination with AmsDOS) and CP/M (Plus) were the only two known OSes for the series, but the question remained: since most CPCs have 128 KB (most C64 only have 64 KB), a screen-resolution of 640x200 (C64 only has 320x200) and some more advantages, why not have something similar? So the FutureOS-Project was born.
FutureOS allows the user to control the computer with a broad variety of HIDs. The surface provides an icon section, a file section and a status section. The OS can deal with files up 16 MB (24 bit file-length) and it can load/save files up to 4 MB in one piece. It has a dynamic memory management system, which divides RAM usually into 16 KB blocks - or in smaller pieces. Further it supports a broad variety of hardware expansions. FutureOS is delivered together with a variety of utilities in the same four ROMs. Additional expansion ROMs can be added.