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123 bytes removed, 19:07, 8 August 2021
/* Graphic User Interface */
Further there is the [[FutureOS Monitor]], which provides access to RAM, ROM, Z80 registes, I/O ports and allows the testing of routines.
=== Auto-DIR ===
If Auto-DIR is enabled, then it's enough to click at a drive Icon to read its DIRectory. You can select this feature using the 'Config OS' utility, either from disc or Tool-XROM.
=== Hot keys ===
=== Auto-DIR mode ===
If the Auto-DIR option is switched on (like in recent releases) it's enough to you just click on an drive / partition icon to read, sort and show its DIRectory. Furthermore in this mode some 'AI' is activated f.e. when you click at the Copy icon and no files are tagged the Desktop will directly jump into Disc-copy mode instead the File-copy mode.If the Auto-DIR is off, then you need to do more things 'by hand', but you also have a bit more control over the system.The Auto-DIR mode can be activated by setting a bit in the configuration bytes, either by hand of . This is done by using the ''''Konfig OS'''' / ''''Config OS'''' utility (see system application discapplications).
=== Wallpaper ===
Like for most OS the background of the Desktop can be adapted. This is actually quite easy for FutureOS. Just use the application "-LoadHGB.64K" (English) / "-LadeHGB.64K" (German). HGB stands for "HinterGrundBild" and is German for Wallpaper. There are discs and ROMs full of wallpapers.
If you want to create your own wallpapers then you'll need a MODE 2 screen with 512 x 256 pixel. You can even use an application inside [[JavaCPC]] for this.
You also can load a wallpaper by hand: Place such a 16 KB (headerless) screen in one of the E-RAMs and set the right system variable of the OS (see file #DOS-VAR.ENG). Here are some Wallpapers: