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CPCWiki - THE Amstrad CPC encyclopedia!:About

335 bytes added, 05:45, 13 February 2022
Fixed typo.
This is a wiki dedicated to all things related to the Amstrad CPC 8-bit computer series. Feel free to contribute!
This is mainly (but, hopefully not solely) maintained by Themis Themistocles Papassilekas, aka Gryzor.
If you have any questions you can contact [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] or [[Prodatron]] (one of the Wiki-Sysops).
How you can contribute? Oh, in several ways :)
* You can now [ donate]!!! ;)
* Got any ideas on the content and structure? Email me at gryzor[at]gryzor[dot]info.
* Got any technical knowledge with MediaWiki and feel you could improve things? Please do get in touch!
== Copying ==
You are welcome to copy any info you find in this Wiki (or the forum) without requiring a license; just let us know as common courtesy, and as long as you state the source ( you are free to use the info herein. However, '''no mass copying is allowed'''. If you'd like to copy multiple pages or scoop entire sections or the whole of the wiki you must contact us first and ask for permission.
== Wiki-Napping ==
=== Wiki-Napping ===
If you want, you can add the CPC-Wiki to your Homepage. Just add the following HTML-Code and you and your visiors can directly search CPC-Wiki.
If you add the Wiki-Napping on your homepage just let us know and list your Homepage here:
* [ Die Drei Lenöre]
* [ Kangaroo MusiQue of HJT]
* [ Octoate]
* [ Prodatron / SymbiosiS]
* [ Genesis8]
* [ Eliot's website]
* [ The CPC Demoscene]* [ German CPC forumcom Cpc-power]* [ Amstrad BBS]