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76 bytes added, 19:10, 19 December 2022
/* Description */
== Description ==
IDE8255 (designed by [[Yarek]]) is the simplest IDE multiplexer (8bit to 16bit) that everyone can build. And its also the fastest, the data transfer rate is 173 KB/second. It can be up to 186 KB/sec.
It consists of port decoder, a [[8255 PPI chip]], 74LS139 chip as control gate and some diodes, resistors and capacitors. The most important is, that the 8255 can work in MODE 1 while reading.
The IDE8255 board is intended to be internal upgrade for [[CPC6128|CPC6128]], placed between keyboard and 3" drive. It also can be used as external one, as has 50pin slot for flat cable.
The IDE8255 is supported by [[FutureOS|FutureOS]].ROM for native CPC-OS
== I/O Ports ==
[ Home of IDE8255 at Yarek]
== Software ==ROM files [[File:IDE8255_Yarek_ROMs.dsk]] [[Category:HardwareDIY]] [[Category:Peripherals]][[Category:DATA Storage]]