
CPCBasic compiler

67 bytes removed, 19:16, 13 March 2023
/* Links */
Just type your program on a PC text editor and then execute the compiler eg.:'' CPCBASIC TEST.BAS /6128''
After that, the compiler convert converts it to '' .asm'' (assembler fikefile).
NOTE: Your program must start with the command ''CHAIN "CPCBasic.bas"'' , so that it links with the library.
Furthermore, you can use ''InsSNA'' utility in order to insert your bin file into a SNA file (to use in a cpc emulator).
Of course, you may also convert to .dsk to save to a real disc for use on a real CPC.
== Links ==
CPCBasic homepage (originally in Spanish, but can be translated)
[[Category:Programming software]][[Category:BASIC]][[Category:CrossDev]]