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Programming:Cross Development

2,593 bytes added, 12:53, 15 November 2023
/* Cross compilers */ ugbasic
Please note that an integrated toolchain has little to do with anything visible on-screen. A good toolchain can be triggered by most flexible enough graphical environments and generally produces a text log of the work done. Nevertheless, the concept of toolchains is more natural to Linux/Unix way of thinking/doing things, and those environments are already full of reusable and combinable tools that ease the creation and maintenance of a toolchain. Windows users can generally use tools developed for Unix through the cygwin software adaptation layer but running a Linux distribution in a virtual machine may be more practical.
There are some attempts at creating toolchains targeting the CPC. Active as of 2017-11* '''[[CPCtelera]]''' integrates an out-of-the-box preconfigured build system, along with a game development library and tools and extensive configuration. It is also multiplatform, working on Linux, OSX and Windows. CPCtelera is a fork of [ cpc-dev-tool-chain] tuned for 2D-sprite-oriented productions and extensive documentation. ''Recommended for beginners.''* '''[ cpc-dev-tool-chain]''' integrated C or ASM development toolchain for the Amstrad CPC platform (or emulator). '''Recommended for seasoned C programmers, Linux geeks, advanced users, general productions'''. Includes:** Designed for quick start on Linux (or similar) systems : '''get a copy, write a "hello_world.c", run "make dsk" and get a DSK ready to run into the emulator'''. On linux "make run" even runs the emulator! ** Automatically downloads and compiles tools as needed, no interference with user account or global system, no administrator permission needed.** Tools include:*** gfx2crtc (transform PNG into CPC screen data),*** png2cpcsprite (turn PNG into binary data formatted as ASM source code ''with metadata including palette'', zero run-time overhead),*** SDCC compiler, assembler and linker,*** hex2bin, addhead (prepare CPC binaries with AMSDOS header),*** cpcxfs and iDSK (prepare DSK disc image),*** rasm (Roudoudou's assembler)'''. *** 2cdt (transform CPC binary to tape image),*** playtzx (transform tape image into audio file to play to your CPC),*** caprice32 (emulator),*** cpcec (emulator),*** exomizer (high performance compressor, PC side),*** deexo (Z80 run-time exomizer decompression),** Made for Linux, also works with Windows (via cygwin or similar), and probably Mac OS X. Most project+build-oriented features claims by CPCTelera comes from cpc-dev-tool-chain.** Call firmware routines from clean C code! [ advanced coverage of the CPC firmware]** Extensible projects structure based on GNU make  * Not an integrated toolchain, but a collection of tools that can be strung together to make one, including a DockerFile. Mentioned on [ CPC SDK for Linux/Unix]. Appears to have moved to
* Not an integrated toolchain, but a collection of tools that can be strung together to make one. Currently active (as of end of 2012): on [ CPC SDK for Linux/Unix] PlukoMandy mentions
* 2012-11-12 [ Recommended Linux cross-dev tool chain?] mentions a makefile-based toolchain targeting dsk images or tapes
* 2011-11-18 [ cpc-dev-tool-chain] an embryo of an integrated C or ASM development toolchain for the Amstrad CPC platform (or emulator). Designed for quick start on Linux (or similar) systems : get a copy, run "make" and get a DSK ready to run into the emulator. It even downloads and compiles tools (the cross-compiler, iDSK) if needed.
* 2009-06-16 [ My new cross-development kit] explain what is basically a toolchain but link is broken as of 2013-01-08
=== Cross assemblers ===
* [[basm|Benediction ASseMbler]] []
* [[naken_asm]] []
* [[pasmo]]
* [[RASM]]
* [[SjasmPlus]]
* [[Sjasm|sjasm]]
* [[Z80asm]] []
* [[Zasm]] []
* [[ZMac]]
* GNU Binutils for z80 (z80-unknown-coff platform)
* [[Z80asm]] []
* [[pasmo]]
=== Cross compilers ===
* [[ZXBasic]]
* [[Turbo Rascal Syntax Error]] []
* [[ugBASIC]] []
=== Crunching ===
=== Cross Assemblers ===
* [[basm|Benediction ASseMbler]] []
* [[naken_asm]] []
*[[ZMac|ZMacRASM]] *[ zasm]
*[[WinApe|WinApe]]'s built in assembler
*[ zasm]
=== Cross compilers (C) ===
Beginner warning: unless you want to rebuild an entire toolchain by hand, you probably don't want to just download a C cross-compiler alone. Most probably, what you're looking for is an [[#Integrated_toolchains|integrated toolchain]] instead. For a C tutorial, see by Mochilote
* [[Z88DK]]
* [[SDCC]], notably [[SDCC and CPC]] had hints and practical examples about the principles of writing in C for CPC.
* [[PhrozenC]]
=== Cross compilers (Java) ===
* [[JavaGrinder]]
=== Cross compilers (Pascal) ===
* [[Turbo Rascal Syntax Error]] []
=== Graphics ===
* Then you can run the program on the emulator the same way as you would run it on a real CPC
If your CPC has a 3.5" disc drive then the easiest method is to transfer the DSK to a 3.5" disc using the a PCwith a 3.5" drive (internal, not USB).
- * Then use CPCDiskXP to write the DSK to a 3.5" disc drive - , using dsktools (Linux) or CPCDiskXP (Windows).* Put the disc into your CPC's 3.5" disc drive and type - |B: RUN "<gamename>
== Snapshots ==