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/* Using the formatter XFORMAT.COM */
* Does not require a separate 5v power supply (the computer supplies power).
* Can supply 5v to an attached CF card adapter if necessary. Also supplies +5v via IDE Pin 20, although not all devices use it (hence the additional supply option).
* Driver supports Amstrad PCW CP/M Plus version 1.14 and higher, and Locoscript only at this time (it is implemented as a FID).
* A separate driver exists for Lifeboat CP/M 2.2 on the TRS-80 Model II that can be ported on demand to other CP/M 2.2 variants.
* Intertec Superbrain QD now fully supported.
|[[File:CPC 6128 bus adapter.png|200px|thumb|left|CPC 6128 Bus adapter]]
The CPC 6128 bus adapter is a card which plugs directly into the 6128's expansion port with the front face of the board facing away from the CPC. The image shows an early render from OSH Park. Per the other adapter cards, uIDE plugs into it via a 40 way IDC cable. A special variant for the MX4 backplane is available - see below.
== BOMs ==
{| class="wikitable"
|[[File:6128UIDE-uIDE16_MX4_adapter_2.jpg|thumb|Close up of the 6128 adapter board showing correct orientation of the angled 50 way IDC box header.]]|[[File:UIDE-16 connection16_MX4_adapter.jpg|thumb|Correct way to fit the expansion port 6128 adapter board to the back of a CPC6128: LED on MX4 backplane. Note the right hand adapter's component sidefacing to the left, whereas the next adjacent card's component side can be seen facing to the right.]]
buffers are cleared down. On CP/M 3, use the XRST.COM command to achieve the same thing.
For uIDE-16 users with HDCPM, do not use XFORMAT - follow HDCPM documentation for disk prepatationpreparation.
== About XRST.COM ==
When you are in USER 0, it does not show a user number in the CCP prompt.
== Prices ==
I hgave been advised that I am not allowed to display prices on a Wiki page, but I am allowed to link to them.
Consequently, you can find prices for these boards on the CPCWiki forum [ here].
== More information ==