
/* Using the formatter XFORMAT.COM */
* Does not require a separate 5v power supply (the computer supplies power).
* Can supply 5v to an attached CF card adapter if necessary. Also supplies +5v via IDE Pin 20, although not all devices use it (hence the additional supply option).
* Driver supports Amstrad PCW CP/M Plus version 1.14 and higher, and Locoscript only at this time (it is implemented as a FID).
* A separate driver exists for Lifeboat CP/M 2.2 on the TRS-80 Model II that can be ported on demand to other CP/M 2.2 variants.
* Intertec Superbrain QD now fully supported.
buffers are cleared down. On CP/M 3, use the XRST.COM command to achieve the same thing.
For uIDE-16 users with HDCPM, do not use XFORMAT - follow HDCPM documentation for disk prepatationpreparation.
== About XRST.COM ==
== Prices ==
You I hgave been advised that I am not allowed to display prices on a Wiki page, but I am allowed to link to them. Consequently, you can find prices for these boards on the CPCWiki forum [ here].
== More information ==