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80 bytes added, 8 May
/* Graphics */
*[ Ze Meeting 2003] [ DemoIzArt] [ Not Dead] [ Croco Chanel] [ Tire Au Flan] [ Arôme Tomate] [ DTC] [ Synergy 2] CRTC demos from 2000s
*[ OSC #0] [ OSC #1] [ Still Rising] [ Still the Bests] [ Still Scrolling] [ River Scroll] [ Scroll Factory] [ Battro] [ Bloc Us] [ Wake Up] [ Wunderbar] [ Cookie] [ Yet Another Plasma] [ Isometrikum] [ Logon's Run] [ Points Barres] [ Octopus Pocus] [ Sugarlumps] CRTC demos from 2010s
*[ OSC #2] [ OSC #3] [ Stand Up] [ The One] [ Swingin'] [ Return of the Droid] [ Mike's Scrollers] [ Foursome] [ Checkmate] [ Debris] [ Ghost Nop] Latest CRTC demos
*[ Les Mondes Parallèles] [ Paranoia] [ Molecularr 2] [ Megablasters] [ Quadraster] [ Inferno] [ Groops] [ Sudoku Master] [ Overkoban] [ Prince Dastan Sokoban Within] [ Deva Drifter] [ Hexavirus v0] [ A tribute to the sisters] True overscan games
*[ Mode 3 Test] [ New Mode] [ "Mode 5" Viewer] [ Brutal Deluxe] [ Split-Rasters Test CRTC1] [ Crazy Ball] [ Trailblazer] [ Fugitif] [ Flush Wishes You a Happy New Year] [ Pixel Free] [ Overscan Megatext] [ Gozeur Intro 2] [ Interlace viewer] [ Interlaced 800x600] [ Interlace] [ Climax] [ Kvety] [ Flipraster] [ Perfect Pix Paint] [ Bat-Moule] [ Tetris] [ Imperial Mahjong] Special graphics modes [ Mode EGX] [[Mode R]] [ Mode 5] Technical explanations