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Programming:Integer Multiplication

1,976 bytes added, 01:58, 8 May 2007
Added information on my new 4 bit table based multiplication routines.
== Faster, accurate 8bit * 8bit Unsigned ==
I'm currently working on a new routine, based on a routine by Kirk Meyer [] which uses nibble multiplication tables.
I have a working, tested version which uses 16K of tables and can perform multiplication in 20&mu;s.
The code to produce the tables is below:
ld hl,hltab1
ld a,l
and #1e
add restab / 256
ld (hl),a
inc l
jr nz,makelp1
inc h
ld a,l
and #1e
jr z,usez
add restab2 - restab / 256 - 2
add restab / 256
ld (hl),a
inc l
jr nz,makelp2
inc h ; restab
ld a,(hl)
inc h
ld d,(hl)
inc h
add l
ld (hl),a
inc h
ld a,0
adc d
ld (hl),a
dec h:dec h:dec h
inc l
jr nz,makelp3
inc h
inc h
ld a,h
cp restab2 / 256 - 2
jr nz,makelp3
ld b,h
ld c,l
inc b
inc b
ld h,restab / 256 + 2
ld e,(hl)
inc h
ld d,(hl)
dec h
ex de,hl
add hl,hl:add hl,hl:add hl,hl:add hl,hl
ex de,hl
ld a,e
ld (bc),a
inc b
ld a,d
ld (bc),a
dec b
inc l
inc c
jr nz,makelp4
inc h
inc h
inc b
inc b
ld a,h
cp restab2 / 256
jr nz,makelp4
ds -$ and #ff
ds 256
ds 256
ds 512 * 16
ds 512 * 15
The code to perform the multiplication (DE = L * C):
ld h,hltab1 / 256 ; 2
ld b,(hl) ; 4
inc h ; 5
ld h,(hl) ; 7
ld l,c ; 8
ld a,(bc) ; 10
add (hl) ; 12
ld e,a ; 13
inc b ; 14
inc h ; 15
ld a,(bc) ; 17
adc (hl) ; 19
ld d,a ; 20
16K is a lot of memory to use for tables, but I'm working on a way to reduce this to 8K while maintaining similar performance (around 26&mu;s). The idea is rather than using tables for the low and high nibbles, use tables for alternate bits. So there would be 16 tables for the values #00, #01, #04, #05, #10, #11, #14, #15, #40, #41, #44, #45, #50, #51, #54, #55. The values can be shifted by 1 (rather than 4) to give values for the alternate bits using a simple ADD HL,HL.
[[User:Executioner|Executioner]] 03:58, 8 May 2007 (CEST)
== 16bit * 16bit Unsigned ==