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8251 USART chip

2,940 bytes added, 10:50, 14 November 2011
* A == Registers == === Control Register (W) ===The first write after internal or external Reset is the "Mode Instruction": Bit Expl. 0-1 Baud Rate Divider (0=Sync Mode, 1=Div1, 2=Div16, 3=Div64) 2-3 Character Length (0=5bit, 1=6bit, 2=7bit, 3=8bit) 4 Parity Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable) 5 Parity Type (0=Odd, 1=Even) In Async mode: 6-7 Stop Bits (0=Reserved, 1=1bit, 2=1.5bit, 3=2bit) In Sync mode: 6 External Sync Detect (0=Syndet is an output, 1=Syndet is an input) 7 Single Character Sync (0=Double Character, 1=Single Character)If (only if) the above 1st write selected Sync Mode, then 2nd/3rd write are: 2nd write - Sync Character 1 3rd write - Sync Character 2All further writes to the Control Register are "Command Instructions": Bit Expl. 0 Transmit Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable) 1 Data Terminal Ready (0=No, 1=Yes) (DTR Pin) 2 Receive Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable) 3 Send Break Character (0=Normal, 1=Force TxD "low") 4 Error Reset (0=No change, 1=Reset Error Flags) 5 Request to Send (0=No, 1=Yes) (RTS Pin) 6 Internal Reset (0=No change, 1=Reset; expect new Mode Instruction) 7 Enter Hunt Mode (0=No, 1=Search Sync Characters; Sync Mode only) === Status Register (R) === Bit Expl. 0 Transmit Ready (0=Busy, 1=Ready; "DB Buffer Empty") 1 Receive Ready 2 Transmit Empty 3 Parity Error 4 Overrun Error 5 Framing Error 6 Syndet/Brkdet 7 Data Set Ready (DSR Pin) === Data Register (R/W) === Bit Expl. 0-7 Data == Usage in CPCs == === Aleste 520EX ===Used by [[Aleste 520EX]] (a CPC clone with built-in RS232 interface): EEXXh Aleste - 8251 USART chip (RS232/Mouse) Data (R/W) EFXXh Aleste - 8251 USART chip (RS232/Mouse) Control/Status (R/W) Uses a KR580WW51A (russian clone of the 8251) is used . Clock source comes from a [[8253 chip]]. ---- === MHT Ingenieros RS232 para Amstrad ===Used by [[Aleste 520EXRS-232 para Amstrad]]from MHT Ingenieros, clock mapped to Ports: FADCh - MHT RS232 - 8251 USART data FADDh - MHT RS232 - 8251 USART control/status Clock source comes from a [[8253 chip]].* A ---- === Schneiderware V/24 Interface ===Used by [[Schneiderware V/24 Interface]] from [[CPC Schneider International]], mapped to Ports: F9E0h (or F9E2h) Schneiderware V/24 8251 is said USART chip Data F9E1h (or F9E3h) Schneiderware V/24 8251 USART chip Control Clock source comes from a [[8253 chip]]. Clock input to be used that chip is jumper-selectable: 2MHz (default), or 1MHz. Caution: The RTS/CTS and DSR/DTR handshaking signals are disabled by default (via jumpers) (and, in worst case, also by additional inaccesible hardwired connections, hidden underneath of the jumpers) ---- === Cirkit Serial Interface ===Used by [[Cirkit serial interface]](for use with the included Prestel Link modem)): FADFh - Cirkit - 8251 UART Data register FBDFh - Cirkit - 8251 UART Status/Control register TX clock source is fixed (19.2KHz), RX clock source and I/O ports are unknowncan be selected via DTR bit (1200Hz or 19.2KHz).
== 8251 vs 8251A ==
The original '''8251''' seems to be very rare (there's no programming info found in the internet). The '''8251A''' is backwards compatible, but includes some additional features. The 8251A gives some details on the additional features, so one could eventually use the '''8251A''' datasheet to reconstruct the functionality of the original '''8251'''.
However, since the 8251 is so rare, it's rather doubtworthy doubtful that the Aleste or Circit actually uses that these chips, they probably they use 8251A chips.
* The Circit advert says 8251 (which is maybe meant to be an abbreviation for 8251A).
* [[Media:8251A.pdf]] - newer 8251A datasheet (detailed info)
* [[Media:8251.pdf]] - older 8251 datasheet (pin-outs out only, without programming info) [[Category:Electronic Component]]