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384 bytes added, 22:47, 24 February 2012
/* Alpha version */
[[Image:Superdisk.gif|right]] YaPaDOS is patch for [[AMSDOS]] and [[ParaDOS]] that allows to redirect disk access to harddisk. This is done with keeping highest possible compatibility, so only 20 bytes of RAM are used (including 6 used by ParaDOS).
== What is this? ==
Not quite clear... Seems to be an AMSDOS clone from [[Yarek]] (?), for supporting his [[IDE8255]] (?) harddisk interface? Please confirm!
== Diskimages ==
Instead of reading and writting floppy, a continous and limited area on harddisk is used. The area has the same amount of sectors, as the floppy and is called diskimage. Each drive A: and B: separately can be directed to floppy or one of diskimages. You can change the diskimages as you would change the floppies, but by opening some special files.
Using only 20 bytes of RAM makes features like FAT32 and support for .DSK files impossible, so the disk must have special formatting using IDEDOS structures (defined by Garry Lancaster). The harddisk can also contain FAT partitions, but they are not accessible from YaPaDOS.
The IDEDOS partition contains diskimages, that can have various size (e.g. 180kB, 800kB, 5MB). Up to 999 diskimages can be created and accessed.
Diskimages are selected by their numbers 1..999 (0 means floppy) , by opening a file of special name. Only the number after dot matters. Names of diskimages can be listed from a virtual device called superdisk. Superdisk is read-only. After the superdisk is selected, the diskimage then can be selected without the '''^''' sign in file name.
== Commands ==
'''LOAD"^xxxxxxx.nnn"''' - selects diskimage number nnn (n - a digit, x is - any character)
'''LOAD"^.0"''' - selects floppy
'''LOAD"^DESTROY.MBR"''' - clears MS-DOS partition table (also needs some POKEs for safety, see included README!.TXT)
'''LOAD"^DBnnnnn.mmm"''' - creates IDEDOS partition of nnnnn cylinders and up to mmm diskimages (needs some POKEs to set CHS geometry, see included README!.TXT)
+ PARADOS |DRIVE tool installed in ROM bank 6 as |PRIVE.<BR>
+ Size of floppy (diskimage ".000") is zero.<BR>
* Done but not released:
+ PARADOS |DRIVE tool installed in ROM bank 15 as |DRIVE.<BR>
+ Formatting done on superdisk creates new diskimage (also from |DRIVE tool).<BR>
+ Corrected free space printing in CAT to allow larger numbers.<BR>
+ Better PARADOS |DRIVE tool synchronization.<BR>
* To do is:<BR>
* To fine tune is:<BR>
- Recelculate amount of free space in sectors.<BR>
- Better PARADOS |DRIVE tool synchronization.<BR>
- Move the free space entry towards end of partition list.<BR>
- Test of diskimages placed over #0010000 LBA.<BR>
- Test of selection of diskimages number over 99.<BR>
- Test of listing diskimages above number 99.<BR>
- Correct free space printing in CAT to allow larger numbers.<BR>
- Solve the "Broken in" error.<BR>
- Support for diskimages with sectors of 256B and 1kB.<BR>
[[Category:Stub]] [[Category:Disc Operating_System]]