

212 bytes added, 13:58, 10 May 2012
/* MO6 and TO8 */
(pixels x pixels x colours)
'''* a) MO 40-column mode :''' 320x200x2 (with 8x1pixels attributes , 16 colours on screen)the legacy video mode from MO5/TO7 older models.
'''* b) 80 column mode :''' 640x200x2
Those Bitmap video modes are coded (hardware generated) slightly differently than on CPC so you can't simply port the Graphic Datas from CPC/PLUS to Thomson MO6/TO8 without some proper recoding.
The Thomson always processes 16bits of graphical Datas and , serialised differently according to the video mode. This makes for a constant 16K VRAM (but it uses normal RAM Video per screen cycle , no dedicated RAM for this purpose) as on good old Amstrad CPC/PLUS "normal" setting, so the more resolution the less colours.
There are no overscan nor full borderless screen possibilities as on the Amstrad CPC.