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Locomotive BASIC

85 bytes added, 20:40, 22 October 2012
/* INSTR */
: Returns value read from the I/O address add
==== <code>INSTR([‹startposition›,]‹explored string›,‹seeking string›)</code> ====
:INSTR ([startposition,]explored string, seeking string)<blockquote>This function looks inside "explored string" after "seeking string" and return a number where the found string appear for the first time. : Returns zero if not successfull. : Startposition could be a figure between 1 and 255. </blockquote> : Example<pre>a$="ABCD":PRINT INTRINSTR(a$,"C") - returns with "3Ready</pre>: 2. Example<pre>a$="Hello":IF INSTR(a$,"i")<>0 THEN PRINT "no" else a$noReady</pre>
==== <code>INT (n)</code> ====