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40 bytes removed, 18:57, 17 March 2013
'''COSMOS''' is a personal cost monitoring system written by [[KSL|KSL]]. It runs under [[CP/M|CP/M]] 2.2 (v 1.2) and is under development since 2005. Using COSMOS the user can track his expenses and organize his costs. <br><br> Original disk contains a user friendly&nbsp;SETUP installation utility. The application requires at least 128 KB of RAM and two disc drives. Furthermore it supports the Dobbertin hard disk, deals with the RAM expansion, includes a user friendly GUI using AMX mouse, supports provides a multi color screen saver, supports high capacity external drives, deals with the&nbsp;Amstrad&nbsp;Serial serial and&nbsp;Parallel paraellel ports&nbsp;of the CPC, supports CPC-to-CPC or CPC-to-PC communication and contains graphics. <br><br> COSMOS is a personal business application similar to the MS-DOS-era PC applications and probably one of the largest projects ever developed for CP/M. <br><br><br><br>== Web links ==*[ Download from CPCWiki][[Category:Applications]] [[Category:CP/M]] [[Category:Manual]]