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Expanding from CPC 464 to CPC 6128 Spec

24 bytes added, 23:54, 18 October 2014
Step-by-step instructions<BR>
1. There are two ways to replace the CPC 464 ROM chip.<BR>
:A. While everything is switched off and if you have the right set of tools and have any electrical knowledge, remove six screws from the keyboard and carefully take the keyboard a part. Look for the CPC 464 ROM chip with the letters printed "IC103 AMSTRAD 40009" which is already soldered onto the motherboard. Here comes a real challenge.... <BR>
:B. Simply exchange your CPC 464 keyboard to Amstrad Specialist (Arthur) for another CPC 464 keyboard with CPC 6128 ROM chip fitted (That's what I did on 12-10-00, by the way, as I was rushing to get home from Worthing and that time, I didn't know how to replace Operating System ROMs) or ask him to do it for you and paid for it, of course. <BR>
2. Now you have a choice to do the following option:<BR>
* A. Replace the AMSDOS / CP/M bootstrap ROM with ParaDos ROM inside the disc interface (optional, but it allows you to use the full capacity on 3.5" disc drive). '''RECOMMENDED''' to do so, if you're either using upgraded CPC 464+ to 6128+ spec or unexpanded CPC 464 without CPC 6128 OS/BASIC ROM installed with both DDI-1 3" and 3.5" external disc drives connected only.
:* To do that, you must remove six screws first, open the cover, carefully remove the AMSDOS ROM chip and replace it with ParaDos ROM. Then put the cover back on, put the six screws back on. <BR>
* B. Leave the [[AMSDOS]] / CPM bootstrap ROM inside the [[Media:Gerald_DDI-1_MF0004B.jpg|disc interface]] (if you want to use DR. LOGO 2 & 3 on upgraded CPC 464) and put ParaDOS ROM inside the Rombo ROMBOX with other ROMS (as shown below).
3. Connect all the peripherals to "[[Connector:Expansion_port|Expansion]]" port connector (located at the back of the keyboard) in the following order:<BR>
* [[Dk'tronics_memory_expansion|DK'tronics 64K RAM pack Memory Expansion]] (removable RAM chips) >> upgraded to [[Media:Upgraded64kRAM.JPG|256K]]
4. Follow the "READY signal" instructions (if necessary) for 3.5" disc drive Ready signal test.<BR>
After all that, your computer set-up look similar like [[Media:CPC46426128setup.jpg|this]]. <BR>