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114 bytes added, 06:42, 20 March 2015
/* On MiST version */
I know that ChaseHQ and Arkanoid looks great, so double RAM buffer (from &8000 to &BFFF) is actived, but normaly it shall unlock XOR and P47, so this second RAM part is perhaps badly plugged (A14 inversed ? WR on one and RD on another, double WR on one ?, bad memory size ?) => VRAM is plugged correctly.
The SDRAM patched in order to write RAM under ROM is not implemented in VRAM mirror. Behaviour to check. => light version, with fix RAM 0 1 2 3 and quicker address solving does exactly the same, so the bug isn't by here. VRAM mirror is something new since NEXYS2 to NEXYS4 so it seems a good way. => DISP signal not crossed correctly with crtc_W / bvram_W ? crtc scanner offset jumps problem ?
== Effort done ==