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Inicron RAM-Box

43 bytes added, 16:46, 5 January 2016
It runs perfect with FutureOS, it's supported.
[[Image:Inicron.gif|right|thumb|250px|Inicron logo]]
A interface to expand the CPC with up to 512 kB RAM. Since the box is not 100% compatible to DK-tronics or Dobbertin-Expansions, it is not supported by Symbos or . But it's supported by FutureOS.
The box was originally designed to work as a battery-buffered RAM-disc (as supported by Dobbertin RDOS).
* [ The home of the Inicron - DIY instructions etc.(German)]
[[Category:PeripheralsDIY]] [[Category:DIYFutureOS]] [[Category:Memory expansions]][[Category:Peripherals]]