

18 bytes added, 02:40, 24 July 2016
/* How to use the GMSK */ typo
[[GMSK|GMSK]] Version: 0.39 alpha
== Control of GMSK ==
*Quit FutureOS (... or have some more fun, creating other Sprites).
You can now load the converted Sprites to the ASIC-Sprite-RAM (adress address &4000), to work with them. The color-palette of the Sprites is located between &6422 and &643F (&1E Bytes, two bytes for every PEN from 0 to &0F).
== Functions in GMSK ==
If you load a OCP Art Studio picture, GMSK checks if a .PAL file with the same filename exists. If a .PAL file is present, it will be analyzed and the PENs and the Sprite colors will be set according to the .PAL file.