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UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

58 bytes added, 16:19, 8 September 2017
/* PCW */
* Auto detection of the uIDE card, unloads if not found.
* Provides up to 6 CP/M drives C: D: E: F: G: H:. This appears to be a limitation of the Amstrad CP/M Plus memory map. Depending on what expansions you have connected to the PCW, you may have fewer than this (for example, if the Amstrad CPS8256 Serial/Parallel device is fitted, you lose H:).
* A later version exists that gives the full complement of drives, see below in bold and the Downloads section abovbe.
* Is compatible with the CP/M Plus M: drive.
* Provides additional drives under Locoscript - H: I: J: K: L:.
If you are using the PCW image download or one of my DOMs, you do not need this download as the files are all on on the image / DOM. Read on... ;)
'''A later version of the PCW driver suite is here: This gives access to more CP/M drives without needing a reformat, and has a new formatter as there was a bug in the old one. The thread also discusses how to fix the old format non destructively.'''
=== CPC6128 ===