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Amstrad Cartridge Identification Device

578 bytes added, 23:49, 18 November 2017
Added picture of the decapped ACID chip
[[Image:Inside GX4000 cart 1.jpg|frame|right|ACID protection chip within a cartridge (bottom)]]
The '''ACID''' (Amstrad Cartridge Identification Device) protection chip is used in the [[GX4000 cartridge|cartridges]] of the [[Plus]] series and the [[GX4000]] game console. After Nocash decrypted the internal algorithms it is possible to replace the protection chip with a complex programmable logic device (CPLD).
== Clones ==
* An ACID replacement using a Xilinx XC9536 CPLD and some [[Media:acid.vVerilog implementation of the ACID chip|Verilog Codecode]] based on nocash's reverse engineering work has been built by Ocotoate [[Octoate]] and [[Nilquader]].* Miguel Angel (aka mcleod_ideafix) has published all the info about his implementation of the ACID in a CPLD, verilog sources included []* It's possible to use the CPC+ without ACID by exploiting a timing bug in the CPC+/GX4000-ASICChip. (Developed by [[Nilquader]])<gallery caption="Original messy circuitRunning CPC+ without ACID">
Image:NoAcid.jpg|GX4000 running without ACID
== Pictures ==
* ACID chip decapped. Many thanks to Sean Riddle!