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Spectre Comms Serial Interface

120 bytes removed, 22:23, 20 August 2019
/* Technical */ typo; less links
I/O Ports are compatible with the [[Amstrad Serial Interface]]:
FADCh Amstrad RS323 RS232 [[Z80-DART/Z80-SIO chip|Z8470 (Z80 DART)]] Channel A Data (R/W) FADDh Amstrad RS323 [[Z80-DART/Z80-SIO chip|RS232 Z8470 (Z80 DART)]] Channel A Control/Status (R/W) FADEh Amstrad RS323 [[Z80-DART/Z80-SIO chip|RS232 Z8470 (Z80 DART)]] Channel B Data (R/W) FADFh Amstrad RS323 [[Z80-DART/Z80-SIO chip|RS232 Z8470 (Z80 DART)]] Channel B Control/Status (R/W) FBDCh Amstrad RS323 RS232 [[8253 chip|8253]] Baudrate Timer 0 Channel A TX Clock (R/W) FBDDh Amstrad RS323 [[RS232 8253 chip|8253]] Baudrate Timer 1 Channel A RX Clock (R/W) FBDEh Amstrad RS323 [[RS232 8253 chip|8253]] Baudrate Timer 2 Channel B RX/TX Clock (R/W) FBDFh Amstrad RS323 [[RS232 8253 chip|8253]] Baudrate Timer 0-2 Control Registers (W)
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