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'''History of COSMOS''' <br><br> May 2005 <br>Starting COSMOS coding during Military Service (Limnos Island) <br><br> January 2006 <br>COSMOS first release (v.18)! <br><br> June 2006 <br>Improved COSMOS documentation <br>COSMOS OverView added in COSMOS Tools <br>Transfer function added in OverView module (Overview -> Month processor) <br>Number of hits added in search (SRC) module <br>New editor added for user attachments (NotePad-like) <br>Added support for attachments: *.ATT extension files only <br>Added the ability to modify text attachments with built in editor (ATT files) <br>All in-progress ASCII bars converted to real graphic bars <br>Verification of Cost matrix added in tools module <br>Improved speed for SUM module <br>Option added for <End Of Month> Calculations and 2D Graph <br>Added the ability to install COSMOS in HD-0 (Dobbertin/Vortex/Campursoft ?) <br>Small graphic icons added at specific procedures and locations <br>Option for 5 sequential inputs added in month processor (instead of calc.) <br>Annual agenda module included in COSMOS OverView (view and edit) <br>Full Agenda Search support added in search module <br>Individual Annual Agenda module added (this requires a lot of memory...) <br>Improved Month editor <br>Alarm signal added in SUM module <br>Warning Meassages added in case of negative cash availability <br>Optimized Ram Expansion management for multiple projects <br>COSMOS second release (v.19)! <br><br> July 2007 <br>Improved Verify procedure to check Net annual costs and income <br>Skip Option added in SUM module providing faster execution time <br>Save icon added in advanced mode (3.5" disc) <br>Printer support for TXT review file (instead of using CP/M PIP) <br>Printer function checked with EPSON Stylus Color 640 printer, Hewlett Packard 410 Laser printer and EPSON 6200L laser printer <br>Auxiliary logical device support for review file (PUN: and RDR:) <br>Improved Agenda editor <br>In-progress bars added while Printing or transferring <br>Left margin added on printed hard copy in SUM print function <br>All CRT frames and logos tuned for reasons of uniformity <br>Calculation of maximum profit added in SUM module <br>Previous year residual added in TXT review file <br>VDU bugs fixed in Overview, Annual and Constant module <br>Help modules homogenized in one executable <br>All modules renamed for easier backup using wild cards (module.*) <br>Improved management of temporary files <br>Free disk space and free RAM space added <br>Added control of destination disk space in Setup <br>Each comment variable size reduced by 1 byte <br>Day and Date added in Agenda in Overview module <br>Graphic bar added in month module <br>Sequantial month analysis added for faster processing <br>Added comments length check <br>New low level routines added (some provided by Werner Cirsovius :) ) <br>New TAX module added to control TAX <br>Virtual matrices reduced to allow COSMOS execution in 169 kB disks <br>Alert function implemented in COSMOS Main, Overview, Agenda and SUM <br>Code checked for its validity for more than 2 years on a daily basis <br>Automatic tracking of income or expenses added in Search module <br>COSMOS third release (v.20) <br><br> September 2008 <br>Improving software processing speed: <br>Improved speed for End of Month calculations (+ 700 %) <br>Improved speed for project Verification (+ 700 %) <br>Improved speed for Constant module (+ 700 %) <br>Adding available cash in month module <br>Improving management of memory resources: <br>Improved memory management for AmsDOS/X-DDOS/ParaDOS ROM machines <br>Improved TPA memory resources <br>Adding the ability to compress (ZIP) projet, releasing disk space <br>Adding the ability to Retrieve project from ZIP file <br>ZIP effect:Up to 16 projects for X-DDOS/ParaDOS users on the same disk! <br>Compressed Tools source code to gain 5 kB of RAM <br>Improving Graphics User Interface: <br>Added 2D graph support for very large profits (larger than MaxInt) <br>Improving software performance: <br>System bug fixed for drive B: free disk space in Tools <br>Added user defined delay parameter in SUM module and option for page mode <br>Escape function implemented using ESC key for on board help <br>Improved robustness of SETUP installation utility <br>Included Currency support (Euro, USD, GBP, or other) for all modules <br>Added the ability to edit any ASCII char (127-255) in Attachments <br>Printer support: <br> Adding drivers for Windows dot matrix printers (EPSON LX-300) <br>Added the ability to directly print attachments <br>Added the ability to directly print each month data <br>Added the ability to directly print constant income / expenses <br>Added the ability to directly print End of Month Cash <br>Introducing CNTRL key functions in Tools Module for drive contents <br>Added on board calculator in Tools Module <br>Move function added in Month Module <br>Forward/Backward move added in Month Module <br>Improved GUI in OverView module <br>Added new Screen Saver (the graphics example included in Turbo Pascal v.3.00 MSDOS disk, modified to 16 colors to run on CPC) <br>Added full suport for small-RAM extension machines (64-256 kB) <br>Mixed running mode implemented (part of project in RAM extension) <br>Implementing Amstrad CPC - Windows XP HyperTerminal communication <br>COSMOS v.21 released! <br><br> March 2013 <br>Improving all modules and algorithms to make software run faster on real CPC systems <br>Improving Screen Saver <br>Improving Tax module <br>Fixing I/O errors <br>Adding drive/RAM disk access warnings in all modules <br>Improving Alert function for continuous monitoring of the alert day <br>Added warning for improper installation target media <br>Added ASCII Code of extended range charachters in Attachment editor <br>Making application look like an Amtrad PC 1512/1640 MS-DOS application <br>January 2014..January 2015 <br>Testing the software using WinCPC emulator <br>COSMOS final release <br><br> May 2017 <br> COSMOS Calculator User Interface (UI) bug fixed <br>COSMOS Annual UI bug fixed <br>COSMOS Constant UI bug fixed <br>COSMOS Agenda UI bug fixed <br>CP/M version check added at initialization of and <br>COSMOS TAX modified according to general taxation laws <br>Alternative printer driver UI bug fixed <br>Screen Saver added in COSMOS Agenda <br>Keys and Mouse operation explaination added in SETUP.COM <br>COSMOS Month and COSMOS Agenda linked <br>Transformation function Y=Ax+B option added in COSMOS Tools <br>Export function added in COSMOS Agenda <br>Export function added in COSMOS TAX <br>Alert symbol in COSMOS main improved <br>Demo version option added in installation <br>UI bug fixed in COSMOS Month <br> ASCII code error in COSMOS Tools/Att corrected<br>Block.Att attachment included (template of block of receipts or invoices) <br>Printer connection warning added in COSMOS Prn <br>RS232 Serial Interface connection warning added in COSMOS Srl <br>Improved support added for 2D Graph in case of higher cash than MaxInt <br>New graph added depicting the available cash per day (366 days) <br>Seargent - major graphics removed and replaced with a bar chart <br>On board help revised<br>File name included in attachment editor <br>October 2017 - version 23 released. <br><br> Agenda soft copy option added <br>Enter hit inputs considered as zero inputs in all modules <br>All COSMOS modules renamed for uniformity of directory especially in 800 KB <br>Disks and Dobbertin Hard disk HD20 <br>Added a second screen saver (randomly plotted triangles) <br>Added Cmp (Comparison) module in COSMOS Tools in order to compare up to 15 projects on the basis of the 15 different Summary annual reports. <br>ASCII Tools (previously released as ASCII Tools v3) adapted accordingly and added in COSMOS Tools in order to provide support for the COSMOS output text files. <br>I/O error check added for all ASCII Tools (source file) <br>DEMO.TXT included to depict ASCII Tools output <br>Screen saver added in ASCII Tools <br>December 2017 - Version 24 released. <br><br> May 2020 (Covid-19 era) - Preparing v.25 <br>SETUP utility imporved and modified in order to prepare the adaptation of its source code to other CP/M-80 systems (future project, CP/M plus version) <br>Demo project improved - 15 annual demo projects added for Cmp module <br>Message for the benefits of CP/M-80 systems added in SETUP utility <br>Input and output of all modules improved and optimized <br>Efficiency of the main and most useful modules (Cst, Month, Annual) strongly improved. <br>COSMOS Annual module redesigned for optimal performance and efficiency <br>Flags of the selected operation mode added in all modules (FD/HD, RS232C, MIN/MAX Ram expansion) <br>Redundant mode operation implemented (similar to user level software RAID-1) in order to provide option for real-time back-up of the current project <br>Added further support of the Dobbertin 20 MB hard disk - option to work as the redundant drive and ability to show drive contents (CNTRL-D..G in Tools) <br>All COSMOS Tools sub-modules improved <br>July 2020 - Version 25 released. <br><br> August 2020 - Preparing version 26. <br>Spelling mistakes corrected in COSMOS Help <br>Instructions in COSMOS Help improved regarding CPC - PC communication via the serial RS232 interface <br>Real-time communication of COSMOS with external devices added using the Serial or the Parallel port <br>Function tested using CPC and WinXP/Win7 <br>December 2020 - Version 26 released during the second Lock-Down (Covid-19). <br><br>
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