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24 bytes added, 10:57, 20 July 2011
/* Effort done */
Alignment of HSYNC : a button of starter kit display HSYNC loopback lines, it's usefull to compare to a Maxam test that alternate color on them
Sniffing of real Amstrad, I listen on some wires of my Amstrad CPC 6128 plus, but I can't access to VSYNC/HSYNC output of CRTC, so I have to buy another model to do this test. In fact you can listen at clock of Amstrad and overclock it after using FPGA DCM component, resulting a clock sequence insertion that permit to insert 4 operations during one tic of real Amstrad, that's it with FPGA DCM you can overclock output Amstrad clock signal for insert more operation, I use this tips for listening signals and saving it in stater kit asynchronous RAM (write, stop write, write, stop write... i'm a perfectionist paranoid...)