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2 bytes added, 07:47, 13 July 2017
/* SAMSUNG 16/9 tests */
==== SAMSUNG 16/9 tests ====
Using lighter pixels full white screen during bootload show me that screen doubts between two positions : a perfect centered 4/3 with 6.5 centimeters horizontal border each; and a starting 16/9 at left, crop at 6.5 centimeters left.
Without lighter pixels full white screen, the crop of image does change, moving into first displayed characters : in fact in SAMSUNG menu, the position of screen is not 50 50, if you put 50 50 you come back to "lighter pixels full white screen" defect. So here screen begining at first char displayed on screen is a second defect, but a small one, as you just have to set 50 50 in SAMSUNG menu.
So back to previous bug : screen doubt between two positions "a perfect centered 4/3 with 6.5 centimeters horizontal border each; and a starting 16/9 at left, crop at 6.5 centimeters left".
When displaying a game, in fact, in found two different case in "perfect centered 4/3" case , this case is not so perfect, it does also doubts between two positions :