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10 bytes removed, 15:32, 18 March 2018
4. There is not a terminator chunk. The snapshot reader should determine if there are more chunks based on the size of data remaining to be read from the file.
==Version 3 Chunks==
The following chunks are currently defined:
=== DSCA,DSCB (Winape) ===
The DSCA block contains the filename of the disc image inserted into drive A. The filename is stored as 8-bit ASCII (any Unicode characters with codes 0x100 or above will be translated to ? and therefore filenames with these characters can't be stored in Snapshots). The length of the block is the length of the filename in bytes.
This option must be enabled in Winape for this chunk to be saved.
=== ROMS (Winape) ===
This block contains a list of filenames for each ROM (and cartridge) that is defined in Winape. The length of the block is the length for all strings.
NOTE: The selected Multiface ROM is not saved in the snapshot.
=== INFO Chunk (No$CPC) ===
This chunk is written by No$CPC. It contains an 8-bit ASCII string with the version information for No$CPC.
=== MEM0-8 Chunk ===
The MEM0-8 chunks contain at most 64KB of data. The data may be compressed or stored uncompressed. If the size is exactly 65536 bytes the data is uncompressed, otherwise it is compressed. Up to 512KB additional RAM can be stored in a snapshot.
5. Winape allows a 4MB RAM expansion to be enabled but doesn't save the additional RAM in the snapshot.
=== BRKC Chunk (ACE) ===
This chunk is written by ACE when some breakpoints are set. When loading a snapshot, the breakpoints found in this chunk are added to the one already installed.
''Example : FlagC AND (HL=DE OR HL=&5000)''
=== SYMB Chunk (ACE) ===
This chunk is written by ACE when some symbols are declared. When loading a snapshot, the symbols found in this chunk are added to the alreading existing ones.
1. Symbol are (obviously) limited to 255 characters, cannot begin with a number (0-9), and only a limited set of ASCII char is allowed (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _).
=== CPC+ Chunk ===
This chunk is supported by Arnold, Winape, No$CPC and ACE. Arnold, Winape and ACE will save the block when Plus configuration enabled. No$CPC will save the block if the Plus features have been unlocked.
==== Notes ====
1. The sprite data is packed, with two sprite pixels per byte. Bits 7..4 define the first pixel and bits 3..0 define the second pixel.
=== DARS Chunk (Winape) ===
This chunk is written by Winape when some data areas are set. When loading a snapshot, the data areas found in this chunk are added to the one already installed.